Anton Tran
New Around Here
So i bought this repeater or what ever its called "Asus RP-AC68U" and paid 180€ for that, So i tought this will be a very good repeater for me because i have my pc upstairs and fiber downstairs. but the result was that download speed is 30Mbps when im connected with ethernet to the repeater, but if i connect my ethernet cable to my fiber i get the speed what im paying for which is 100Mbps. So i was wondering is this suppost to be this slow when im upstairs or do i have some settings what i should change to get my normal speed ??? Also every few day my pc says that there is no internet connection on the repeater for 30 min , after that its back with a connection. So could somewone help if possible?
Also my English isn't the best but hope you guys will understand
Also my English isn't the best but hope you guys will understand