Rod Martin
New Around Here
I was curious if anyone has experience with the Netgear professional Wifi systems. I had a very stable mesh network with a WC7500 and 3 WAC730 APs. However, my tv's were a but sluggish with HD video streaming via plex. So, I upgraded the WAC730s for WAC740s. This did solve the streaming to the affected TVs, but now I have several devices that have very bad connection problems. They will drop connection, then struggle to reconnect, and then when it does, no internet. You have to reboot the device or turn wifi on/off. I even "forgot" the radios on the device to re-establish pairing. New firmwares to not correct the issue. Logs show signal problems on ALL the APs, not just one. Before I post more detail, I was curious if there are known flaws with these particular APs, or if there is some inherent problem with Wave 2, or whatever. Thank you.