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My ISP has provided 6 usable static IP's how exactly could I go about using them with Merlins build?

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My ISP has provided 6 usable static IP's how exactly could I go about using them with Merlins build on my AC88U? My old Draytek had something called IP aliasing where a external IP would be recognised and translated to an internal one.

I have tried assigning one of the internal clients with one of the static IP's then putting that static PI in the DMZ but still no joy :( And even if that did work it would only solve the problem for one. If this is something the Merlin firmware can't handle maybe I spin up a pfsense vm and route stuff to that somehow?

Ay advice please guys
I'd be curious if that was available on a single router.

The easy solution for my customers was to use a switch right after the modem and then connect multiple routers (one for each static IP).
If you want to assign public IP addresses to your clients behind the router then you want to set up one-to-one NAT. On asuswrt you need to do it manually via telnet/ssh using iptables. Preferably you also want to create a firewall-start user script incorporating iptables rules.

An example, if one of your public addresses is and an internal IP address is
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to-destination

If you have 6 public IP addresses and you want all of them to be mapped 1:1 then you need to create 6 of these rules and create a mentioned firewall-start script so the rules are always applied after a firewall restart / router reboot.
Bit of a follow up question, I have a server that produces a certificate that redirects to "Server_A.MyDomain.com" obviously machines on the outside world do not know how to get to "Server_A" can you think of a solution?

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