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Router for P2P usage

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I would imagine that the 625 suffers from the same problems as the 655. If you do one or 2 BT downloads, you're ok, but if you're a heavy user, you're going to have to deal with frequent reboots. I just checked my internet sessions page and its showing 1146 BT related connections. 445 of those are inbound. My 655 tends to reboot itself 10 - 15 times per day with this load. If you're going to stay under 200 simultaneous connections it should be fine. I didn't really start having problems with this router until I started doing more BT. Hopefully the FVS336G will hold up better.
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I just checked my internet sessions page and its showing 1146 BT related connections.
That's a very high number of sessions that most any consumer router will have trouble handling. You would be far better off limiting the # of connections.

I doubt that the FVS336G would do better, and may do worse.
I'm not sure that it won't do better than the 655 Tim. I've been on the phone with Netgear and according to their support and docs, the fvs336g is rated at 10,000 connections, so even if it's only half as good as they're claiming, it _should_ be alright. I'm installing it this evening assuming that UPS doesn't lose it.
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Well, I've been wrong before :) The FVS336G did max out my Simultaneous Connection test at 200.

Ubicom-based routers are pretty good, although the auto-QoS can get in the way. Have you tried disabling it?
Yep. I've already go QoS and all of the Bandwidth shaping options disabled. I have it as pared down as possible short of disabling wireless. I'm not really complaining. The 655 has been a great router for the past 18 months or so. It's just that since upgrade my internet services which has enabled me to do more BT, it's having a hard time keeping up. Plus I've been looking for a valid reason to replace my current OpenVPN setup with a hardware SSL solution :)
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So far the FVS336g has been holding up well. I increased the allowed connections into the BT machine to see what it would take to make the router fail. I was at 2137 the last time I looked and it hasn't missed a beat.

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