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RT-AC66U - Media Bridge not forwarding

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Very Senior Member
I have a RT-AC66U setup as a media bridge between my Google Fiber router and my firewall. This is a temp setup while I have construction going on in the basement.

I set this up back in I think August running Merlin 380.65_2...I think. All was working great for a few months. Then came along KRACK which I wanted to mitigate so I went back to Asus-WRT 380_8120 to get the latest fix since it wasn't yet ported over to Merlin. That went off without a hitch on my N66U and my AC66U.

Jump forward a couple of weeks later and my AC66U now has developed a once a week issue where it just stops forwarding traffic across the bridge. Link shows up, Google shows the client connection, but no traffic is being forwarded without a reboot of the AC66 which restores service for a week or so.

I can't say that a MUST have the KRACK fixes on my AC66 since it services outside the firewall which in theory is already encrypted via TLS or IPSEC. I just generally try to run my N66 and AC66 on the same code and the N66 needs the updates since it sits inside the firewall with internal protocols exposed that are not natively encrypted.

I am getting ready to update to Merlin 380.68 which should include the KRACK fixes for *66U devices. Hoping the bridge stability returns as well. Any ideas and/or suggestions on what may have introduced the instability to a previously stable environment within that last update?
My initial thought was that this was my AC66 acting up...however I just attempted to access my N66 to confirm its firmware and it appears it has dropped off the network as well. A power cycle brings it back online quickly...just a matter of how long till it drops. The AC66 is in bridge mode to my Google Fiber router while my N66 is in bridge mode to my UAP-AC-LR. Only thing in common is the recent update of firmware to deal with KRACK.
Overnight again, my AC66 dropped the bridge even after being back on Merlin...however it is the updated package (380.69) that contains the KRACK fixes...so still assuming there is something up with those updates. I think my next step is to factory reset the AP and reconfigure to see if that makes any difference. I didn't have to reboot to bring the bridge back up. I verified I can bring it back by picking out the bridge SSID again and it comes back up.
So running on 380.69 after a factory reset and so far so good for the past couple of days. So hopefully this stabilizes things for now.
And dead again this morning requiring a re-connect to get the bridge to forward again. So a week of uptime vs less than one day is better. Just wish it was as stable as it was prior to the last updates. :(
And dead again this morning requiring a re-connect to get the bridge to forward again. So a week of uptime vs less than one day is better. Just wish it was as stable as it was prior to the last updates. :(

I have the same problem, did you find any solution?

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