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Setting up a standing VPN for a small business

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I am attempting to install an inventory software for use between 3 locations for my restaurant business. The company has a few solutions but the one I would prefer is one in which computers containing the software would have to be linked to the same LAN or WAN to be active. They are exporting and importing pretty frequently. I am pretty sure that if I set up a VPN between the 3 locations to the 1 computer/location that I would be able to use them as if all 3 locations were in the same building and connected wirelessly or by LAN. (The software was originally created for use in hotels and similar venues with multiple product centres in the same area)

I am not 100% clear on the details of a VPN. What is the advantage to a VPN router? Would a VPN software like LogMeIn Hamachi serve my needs? Do you think that I would be able to accomplish my task by using a VPN or am I missing a fundamental difference between VPN and LAN/WAN?

Inventory software is called: Optimum Control, Looking at the Premier Edition

Really appreciate the help! Please ask any questions that could help clear it up!
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VPN is commonly used for branch offices or traveling employees to securely connect to HQ.

If you need any of 3+ sites to exchange traffic securely among themselves, peer to peer, rather than HQ, then it gets a bit more complex.

We could explore it here, but I suggest you buy some consulting hours from a local true IT expert.
Adding to what Steve posted, yes it can be done, but the set up should be done by someone that has experience doing it.

Hardware VPN appliances are usually the best bet, however they come at a price.

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