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Site Blocking

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I was trying to see if there was a way to Block specific sites. I want to beable to block my kids from youtube at times. I've seen in other router / custom firmwares that have advanced parental controls that are able to block sites or keywords , dont seen anything in this firmware but i might have missed it.

Does anyone know if its possible to do?

if your router supports AiProtection you can choose categories as your wish but, you can't block sites which are using HTTPS with keyboard blocking, like youtube, facebook etc.

and there is also keyboard blocking in Merlin firmware, under firewall.
you can make a script that blocks these sites between various time frames it would take some work but it is possible :)
naa i would not opt for ipset i would go for dns with a simple host that loads and unloads using perhaps pixelserv when not working :) or a simple http page

doubt it would take more then 20-30 lines in total then just cron the shirt outta that shirt :D
Asuswrt does offer keyword blocking, but it's mostly useless in 2017 due to the switch to https. Best way to block such accesses are at the DNS level, provided your kids aren't tech-savvy enough to mess with their client's DNS configuration - something that DNSFilter might help with... until they start relying on a custom host file.

In short, be prepared for war.
i would go for dns with a simple host that loads and unloads using perhaps pixelserv
But then you'd block your whole LAN from youtube :eek:

I think from what @mstombs has suggested, you can create a iptables rule to block by MAC of the kids device and then have a ipset of all the youtube IPs
oh no, not me :p... I've just given my kid a chromebook where he is a supervised user, and he can only visit whitelisted sites (google managed)

But, if someone were to to go down that path, this could be a good start (for youtube)

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