Recently, I've been wanting to add a NAS to our home network. I like the looks of the Nergear ReadyNAS Duo RND2150, but the price is a little steep, and I think that it's more than I really need.
Basically, I need something that can do two things:
1) Backup to another NAS on the network. I'd like to keep one at the primary site, and another at the secondary site, just in case.
2) Media serving capabilities. We'll be keeping our photos and videos on it, and it would be really nice to not have to muck about on the computer and just have something connected to the television.
I really like the expandability of the ReadyNAS, the idea of shoving bigger drives in the thing as they come down is price is highly appealing, not to mention it's fast and generally well regarded, but the cost of two is rather steep.
Is there something a little less expensive that will do just as well for less, or should I quit whining and fork out the cash?
Basically, I need something that can do two things:
1) Backup to another NAS on the network. I'd like to keep one at the primary site, and another at the secondary site, just in case.
2) Media serving capabilities. We'll be keeping our photos and videos on it, and it would be really nice to not have to muck about on the computer and just have something connected to the television.
I really like the expandability of the ReadyNAS, the idea of shoving bigger drives in the thing as they come down is price is highly appealing, not to mention it's fast and generally well regarded, but the cost of two is rather steep.
Is there something a little less expensive that will do just as well for less, or should I quit whining and fork out the cash?