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TUF-AX3000 V2 Access points can't access the internet - the clients connected to it can.

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I have 3 access points (APs), all of the same model mentioned above. Everything is working fine - clients connected to the APs can access the web both wired and wirelessly. The only issue is that the APs themselves, as seen in the router GUI, cannot access the internet.
For example, attempting to search for a new update from the admin GUI results in an error message saying "The router cannot connect to the ASUS server to check for a firmware update."

Another issue is that I receive these log entries every 30 seconds because the GUI cannot reach the NTP server:

May 5 12:31:17 ntp: start NTP update
May 5 12:31:47 ntp: start NTP update
May 5 12:32:17 ntp: start NTP update
May 5 12:32:47 ntp: start NTP update

This issue occurs on all APs configured in AP mode, and everything is wired.
I've tried resting them to factory settings but the issue persists.

The main router does not have this issue.

All APs are using the stock latest firmware.

Try connecting your access points to the main router using WAN port, if not done already.
How do the APs and their clients appear on the main router's Network Map? Any chance there is an option to block Internet access of the APs there accidentally?
They appear as regular clients. I don't see an option to block internet access for them. Also, when hovering over the 'internet' icon in the Internet column next to each AP, there's a tooltip saying 'Allow internet access.'

I've also tried configuring in the main router's DHCP settings hoping that it would make a difference, but it didn't.

Perhaps you should post the log of one of the APs showing what happens during a reboot? That might help give us some more clues.
No problem. Here's one from a few moments ago.

* Note that the date is off and set to Sat, May 05 08:13:40 2018 because the router can't reach the NTP server. (I've tried a few, it can't reach anything)

There's a 10000 characters limit here so here's a pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/48y868ex
Maybe change the dns on the ap's wan page to something external instead of the main router?
The APs doesn't have a WAN page. I've tried adding and to the LAN page under DNS but it didn't help.
I've also noticed that the "Network Tools" in the GUI that will let you ping, trace route etc' will not work. For a ping to google.com I get

ping: bad address 'www.google.com'

If I try to traceroute google.com I will get
www.google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution
Cannot handle "host" cmdline arg `www.google.com' on position 1 (argc 6)

I get similar results if DNS is configured or not configured in the LAN page of the AP.
Maybe try setting for the ap's dns in the manually assigned ip list on the main router?

If not, I guess save the config of the main router and doing a factory reset with minimal config to see if that fixes it. You can always restore with the saved settings after to get back to current.
Thanks for the help. That didn't help. Tried to assign a couple of DNS to the AP, still no go.
I've also reseted the main router a couple of times when configured the network without touching the settings. The APs still can't reach the internet.
The APs doesn't have a WAN page. I've tried adding and to the LAN page under DNS but it didn't help.
I've also noticed that the "Network Tools" in the GUI that will let you ping, trace route etc' will not work. For a ping to google.com I get

If I try to traceroute google.com I will get

I get similar results if DNS is configured or not configured in the LAN page of the AP.
This sounds like an old bug where the AP was not setting its default gateway. I doubt there are any options in the GUI in AP mode that will allow you to fix that (???) so you'll probably have to live with it and hope for a future firmware fix. In the meantime you'll have to manually download newer firmwares and apply them.
This sounds like an old bug where the AP was not setting its default gateway.
Was trying to help the op but couldn't find this topic by searching. Do you recall how it was fixed before? Assuming requires some shell commands?
Was trying to help the op but couldn't find this topic by searching. Do you recall how it was fixed before? Assuming requires some shell commands?
IIRC it was fixed in a subsequent firmware update. Of course that was a long time ago for a different model so it might not be the same thing. As the OP is running stock firmware his options are limited. Assuming it's the same problem he could try setting the default gateway from an SSH session but that change would be lost when he reboots the AP.

@Shasoosh If you SSH into the router AP what do you get from this command?
netstat -rn
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user@TUF-AX3000_V2-GAMING:/tmp/home/root# netstat -rn

Kernel IP routing table

Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         U         0 0          0 br0       U         0 0          0 lo   U         0 0          0 br0       U         0 0          0 br0
I'm assuming your main router's address is Try this:
ip route delete default
ip route add default via dev br0

Then see if ping now works.
Cool. This made some progress.

Ping to works after the commands above.
Ping to google.com still fails with ping: bad address 'google.com'

Before the commands above pinging also failed:

PING ( 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
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