Senior Member
Well, I am a power user. I download around 600Gig a month, with 22Meg down/ 2.2 Up with a ping from 5 - 10ms from www.speedtest.net.
As an owner of the RTN-16, I changed the firmware to DDWRT, and get the same download speeds as my wired connection. However, the ping does increase to 35 - 40ms.
1) My home is small and simple structure, and wonder what would be gained with upgrading my system to either the Asus or Netgear R7000?
2) If I am already achieving the speeds of what my ISP is providing me with my laptop where is the gain, if the signal is fine?
3) Now, I did notice that Netflix does take a tad longer to load and when viewing a HD film, and displaying the properties while watching, you can see that it does fluctuate from 244SD, 480SD, 780HD and then to 1080HD. So, it is not perfect 1080HD all the time. It does vary once in awhile.
4) If you look at the score from INSSID, I noticed my link score is sometime only around 63 - 75, which I am wondering if this is a problem.
5) The trusty RT-N16 is a "reliable" unit.
So, the big question is "What would be gained for a user like me who is probably only 35 ft away from the router and achieves the same thruput as a wired connection when performing the speedtests?
Thanks for any feedback...
Sounds like you are happy with what you have so why would you even have to ask why you would want to upgrade? Each user has pros and cons with their network. But unless there are specifics needs that can be addressed by these or any router, there is no need to get one.