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Any way to bypass Adaptive QoS for one device?

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Very Senior Member
I'm using Adaptive QoS on my RT-AC68U and find it very effective for my needs.

I also host a Sam Knows whitebox which is a network monitoring device that sits on my LAN and monitors the quality of my internet connection. This data eventually gets back to Ofcom, the government watchdog in the UK. It manages itself so that it only runs tests when my LAN traffic (wired and wifi) is quiet so doesn't conflict when my other devices are busy.

I would like to be able to use QoS but not have the Whitebox restricted - is this possible?
No. Best you could do is give it a higher priority than the rest, but I'm not sure what real impact it has - Asus doesn't document how giving priority to a device affects the rest of the rules.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I've already assigned it the highest priority but unfortunately I still cap my bandwidth at the configured values. I will see how I get on without otherwise it will need to live inside my QoS.
I took a moment to review what SamKnows is doing with their WhiteBox...

The tests they run are not just for outright bandwidth, but they test quite a few other metrics to quantify the overall User Experience.

My thoughts here is to treat the WhiteBox like any other client on the LAN so that they get good and relevant data...

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