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Asus RT-AC3200 ntp: start NTP update

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I'm not even sure where to start I run this router behind a Forinet 60D and Run Merlin 380.69. Everything working great went to bed and the OPEN VPN won't connect so messed around trying to figure out what was going on,, Went to system log and over and over its
Jul 31 20:34:48 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 31 20:34:51 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 31 20:34:54 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 31 20:35:02 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 31 20:35:05 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 31 20:35:08 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 31 20:35:11 ntp: start NTP update
Jul 31 20:35:14 ntp: start NTP update

I have did the 30-30-30 reset reflashed latest version back onto it. Connected it directily to modem Inter net works just fine it just won't update Time Date Year, I have changed time servers same thing just nonstop loop of Start NTP Update ?
I have run ping from inside the router its to ntp

PING pool.ntp.org ( 56 data bytes

--- pool.ntp.org ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted,64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=56 time=22.732 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=56 time=27.330 ms
64 bytes from seq=3 ttl=56 time=25.933 ms
64 bytes from seq=4 ttl=56 time=23.288 ms

--- pool.ntp.org ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 22.037/24.264/27.330 ms
So it will ping out ok, NTP won't update and also the check firmware can't connect. Router is hooked directly to modem and load websites,YouTube videos so there is internet for sure.
oscar169, welcome. I was testing multiple OpernVPN configs with our 3200 on version 380.68_4 from October until mid-November 2016, when NTP date/time errors became a severe distraction. We've used Merlin for year and prefer it to the factory blend. Timing issue seem to creep in when many writes or frequent changes to configs and/or settings over-stress the NVRAM. Otherwise there seems no logical reason why the time/date on the router should be off and it seems this is a relatively rare issue. We don't leave the router or system powered up overnight for security reasons; the router boots fresh every morning. During testing, the router was booted more times daily than is normal. I finally hit on a solution that worked for us by changing from the recommended time pool to a single edu server. For whatever reason, the date/timing errors simply ceased, reoccurring only once after mid-November. If you test a single time server on your router, note any use restrictions as aggressive queries will cause your router/system flagged or banned.

For a while I suspected a hacker or bug was in play as timing errors became chronic. A hack or bug would've involved models and many more reports. I was on the verge of RMAing the 3200; the GUI began stalling/crashing and normal settings weren't holding. Even though the 3200 now runs perfectly, I still check after each boot to sure the router and clients are synced and no errors are in the logs, even when the router is behind our PfSense box. I've resisted the urge to experiment past 380.68_4 until Merlin receives/works on the new code base from Asus including AIMesh if the 3200 receives it. Always plenty of others who aren't time limited who like testing cutting edge builds.

Buyers of new 3200s and those who installed Asus builds/code from December have tested and reported that the 3200 NVRAM is at 128 KB instead of 64kb without further mention of timing problem. Aa a side note, we upgraded to v380.68_4 as soon as it was released. That upgrade was flawless and it hadn't been on the router more than a week when timing became a problem during testing. If you revert to see if this works you should use the Asus recovery tool to install 380.68 with fresh settings; if the timing is resolved, you should be able to upgrade to 380.68_4 with a factory reset and then again reapplying your settings from scratch. Good luck and cheers.
oscar169, welcome. I was testing multiple OpernVPN configs with our 3200 on version 380.68_4 from October until mid-November 2016, when NTP date/time errors became a severe distraction. We've used Merlin for year and prefer it to the factory blend. Timing issue seem to creep in when many writes or frequent changes to configs and/or settings over-stress the NVRAM. Otherwise there seems no logical reason why the time/date on the router should be off and it seems this is a relatively rare issue. We don't leave the router or system powered up overnight for security reasons; the router boots fresh every morning. During testing, the router was booted more times daily than is normal. I finally hit on a solution that worked for us by changing from the recommended time pool to a single edu server. For whatever reason, the date/timing errors simply ceased, reoccurring only once after mid-November. If you test a single time server on your router, note any use restrictions as aggressive queries will cause your router/system flagged or banned.

For a while I suspected a hacker or bug was in play as timing errors became chronic. A hack or bug would've involved models and many more reports. I was on the verge of RMAing the 3200; the GUI began stalling/crashing and normal settings weren't holding. Even though the 3200 now runs perfectly, I still check after each boot to sure the router and clients are synced and no errors are in the logs, even when the router is behind our PfSense box. I've resisted the urge to experiment past 380.68_4 until Merlin receives/works on the new code base from Asus including AIMesh if the 3200 receives it. Always plenty of others who aren't time limited who like testing cutting edge builds.

Buyers of new 3200s and those who installed Asus builds/code from December have tested and reported that the 3200 NVRAM is at 128 KB instead of 64kb without further mention of timing problem. Aa a side note, we upgraded to v380.68_4 as soon as it was released. That upgrade was flawless and it hadn't been on the router more than a week when timing became a problem during testing. If you revert to see if this works you should use the Asus recovery tool to install 380.68 with fresh settings; if the timing is resolved, you should be able to upgrade to 380.68_4 with a factory reset and then again reapplying your settings from scratch. Good luck and cheers.
Thanks for the reply on this, It was a Nightmare thought I had bricked it more then once, Used the Utility to re-flashed it several times and its was showing 100% then would say it was complete I reboot the router and it would still have the merlin on it. Did lots of the 30-30-30 and cleared Vram ect. In the end I used the utility and re-flashed Asus 380.. Then it would just flash the lights 0n the front, power light stayed on solid , couldn't talk to the router and the Utility would say Router not in Recovery mode ect. I would take about 3-5 mins and the front lights would light for about 1-2 seconds and go back out, So I just left it powerd on over night, Check it in the morning and the Lights were on, Internet was solid red and it had taken the Asus 380 Reflash.

So I have Re-flashed in the web gui with the Asus 382 their latest Firmware drop, Router is back up n running have the Open VPN running on Express seems ok But Man do I miss all the extra Stuff that comes with the Merlin Firmware, Super Nice, But I can't have this crashing again, Took me 12 Hrs to figure out what the Hell happened and almost put this one in the trash can.
Again I'm not Half as smart as you guys on here by any means just came on here looking for help as I was totally lost...Thanks Again !!!
Osacar169, Just a note, but the 30-30-30 doesn't work for the 3200 as you've likely figured by now; it used to be recommended for the Netgear models, but not these; indeed, using 30-30-30 may cause the NVRAM to be damaged or fail prematurely. If you follow RMerlin's wiki, and use the Asus tool when you really need to revert, the factory default will solve most issues. I've found that removing power from the router will usually get a reset on it's way. Our router, modem, switch are on rocker switches on a power control center, which plugs into a UPS battery backup, so even if the modem and other units don't have to be re-powered, it makes it easier while reverting or upgrading the router. For the router / internet to be solid red is a bit unusual. After many resets with 30-30-30, it's good that 382 finally is working again for you. It really just takes a while, sometimes more than the 10 or 30 seconds that some recommend. When ours went off the rails in October, by the time the lights finally blinked in the order they should've, almost a full minute had gone by, and many become too impatient. Always try to be prepared for some small thing to trip you up, and to take your time; it also helps to have a backup router, just in case. I hope this helps in the future. Cheers!

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