Just tried this, and it seems to be better than the Padavan firmware for me so far.
However..it could just be me but sometimes when I click an option, say parental controls It doesn't load and I have to f5 once or a few times it seems to happen on quite a lot of things.
Secondly is my main issue, I have SERVU FTP running on my server, I think I have tried everything I can to get it working (worked on stock f/w) but I cannot get it to register at all. I have a ddns set up, I have a teamspeak 3 server running and that is forwarded correctly and people can connect via the ddns.
But nobody can connect to the FTP, if I type the local LAN ip in for my server then I can view the FTP, but whenever the ddns address is typed in it takes me to my routers login page (locally), whenever somebody else types in the ddns address it does nothing...but if they type ftp:// then the address it takes them to my routers login page :/
On stock f/w people used to be able to type in my ddns address into a browser and it would prompt them with the servU ftp login.
Ninja edit --------- I think I have it working...needed to port forward 80 to my server, now my dyndns address goes directly to my FTP which is what I wanted..just waiting on a friend to come online and test it !
If this works, apart from the graphical glitches I keep receiving and having to press f5 a few times to get the pages to display its a massive improvement over stock...the main reason I need this f/w is because i get no 3g signal in my house, and on the standard f/w the wifi goes to "sleep" when android screens are turned off, with this FW the wifi connection stays alive and I can recieve emails etc when the screen is off.