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Asus RT-N66u with TomatoUSB firmware

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This is repost from http://tomatousb.org/forum/t-461749

"Here is a minimalist demonstration of the Hash-Bang Shell Parameter Bug:
Paste this:

cd /tmp
echo "#!/bin/sh" >bug
echo 'echo -n $1.' >>bug
chmod +x bug
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do bug $i; done

You should get a line of 10 punctuated digits.
But on the N66U, you might see a few "ug"s instead.
You can do this from Tools>System — no need to ssh or telnet."

Oh my God...
RT-N66U is here and
every time when I execute it I don't have any result without "ug" !!!

I did same test on E2000 and it works fine without "ug" all the time.
"" Good result !

P.S. On both routers I have last version of Toastman f/w.
I would like to know results of such test with DD-WRT on RT-N66U...

P.P.S. I put exactly same post on others sites...
This is repost from http://tomatousb.org/forum/t-461749

"Here is a minimalist demonstration of the Hash-Bang Shell Parameter Bug:
Paste this:

cd /tmp
echo "#!/bin/sh" >bug
echo 'echo -n $1.' >>bug
chmod +x bug
for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do bug $i; done

You should get a line of 10 punctuated digits.
But on the N66U, you might see a few "ug"s instead.
You can do this from Tools>System — no need to ssh or telnet."

Oh my God...
RT-N66U is here and
every time when I execute it I don't have any result without "ug" !!!

I did same test on E2000 and it works fine without "ug" all the time.
"" Good result !

P.S. On both routers I have last version of Toastman f/w.
I would like to know results of such test with DD-WRT on RT-N66U...

P.P.S. I put exactly same post on others sites...

Use it like this and you can get rid of the bug:
"for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do /bin/sh bug $i; done"

It's not an ideal way but at least it's working.
The problem is, that you have to change ANY scripts.. Otherwhise you will get some defunctions and thats why it is pretty much unusable.. (if you want to run scripts on the router)
The problem is, that you have to change ANY scripts.. Otherwhise you will get some defunctions and thats why it is pretty much unusable.. (if you want to run scripts on the router)

I agree it's unstable and unusable. All I said is a temporary workaround until it's fixed. I'm also facing the same issue (see my posts 5 pages back)
I will give RMerlin´s custom build a try, but currently I have no time to play with the router... :/
What is the significance of this "ug" you guys are talking about?
I've been using Shibby v092 with an uptime of 5 days without any problems.
The bug which we are talking about is, that in shell scripts with the Shebang the $1 param has the value of $0 but the first char is missing.

And $0 is always the calling-name. In this case it would be "bug" (because thats the script name) and without the first character it is "ug".
Regarding Tomato.

I need to find a way how to stop WAN DHCP lease renew messages from entering the log?

My new ISP has a lease time of 60 seconds and the result is that my log files are totally cluttered with lease renew messages every 30th second.

Anyone know the command line for restarting the minimalistic dhcp client "udhcpc" with syslogging disabled?


just run

killall udhcpc
udhcpc -i vlan2 -b -s dhcpc-event -H RT-N66U -m

at wanup
Last edited:
Anyone manage to get guestnetworks going with the latest shibby ?

I have setup, but they are not visible from any clients.
Anyone manage to get guestnetworks going with the latest shibby ?

I have setup, but they are not visible from any clients.
I tried that just now. It didn't display for me either until I rebooted the router after saving it. The only problem now is that I can't turn it off. Or I haven't figured out how to yet.

I don't think he did a good job on that. Its not user friendly at all.
Agreed, implementation is very poor on this feature. Though the readme did state beta.

Hopefully it gets sorted soon.
Any word on one of the Tomato builders getting Beamforming ("Ai Radar") working? I wonder if it is as simple as updating the driver for the wireless or if it is more involved than that. Would also like to see the TX power working, doesn't seem to do anything right now.
Dumb question but if you don't run any scripts, does the hash-bang bug affect you? Not sure if there is anything else that it causes issues with.
Shibby released 0.93 today.

Changelog (translated from Polish openlinksys.info forum):
- upgrade from 092 to 093 EN
- Busybox - added tool WHOIS
- Dropbear - updated to version 2012.55
- Dnsmasq - update to version 2.61
- Captive Portal - many fixes and improvements:
* new style the splash.html
* br0/1/2/3 multiple interface options
* improved file path in shell (thanks @ lamb)
* some fixes from source dd-wrt
* added service that competed with the system
- SNMP - able to listen on port selection and remote access configuration
- Removed "CPU% usage" from the Overview
- Transmission - update to version 2.52
- The new "black" skin design, referring to the RT-N66u
- Fixed backlight menu for Captive Portal and BW Limit
- Considerable changes of buildtype. Removed some images, and reached a new - see builds.png
- only changes in the RT-N5x:
* Added support for Asus RT-N53 (5 GHz radio is not working)
* Broadcom new controller:
* Improved LED indication for RT- N10U and RT-N15U
* Netgear 3500Lv2 - fixed display of free NVRAM admin tab -> Configuration (thanks @ Krisan)
* Added support for new Linksys routers Exxx - images in an experimental version
Wonder if they managed to get the new wireless driver in there. I'm curious if it will enable beamforming and/or improve performance.
They seem to mention a new broadcom wireless driver that performs much better compared to the previous one. Think I'm going to flash this one.
I actually went back to asus stock .108 because I need the functioning guest network and better wireless performance.

Going to hang back for a few months until tomato builds shake out a bit. Look forward to everyone's feedback on these new tomato releases.

It is really nice to be spoiled for choice and shibby is a heck of a dev.
I actually went back to asus stock .108 because I need the functioning guest network and better wireless performance.

Going to hang back for a few months until tomato builds shake out a bit. Look forward to everyone's feedback on these new tomato releases.

It is really nice to be spoiled for choice and shibby is a heck of a dev.

I've had guest wireless functioning in both Toastman and Shibby, on a different VLAN even, though I'm just using it as an AP not a router so not sure about that part.

I'm running now the latest Shibby with the upgraded wireless driver, appears to be the same version used in stock Asus. I did a head to head comparison of stock vs Toastman with older driver and it wasn't that much of a difference that I could find, maybe 5% lower signal. Haven't done the same with this one yet.

I go back and forth, I used to use DD-WRT and got sick of issues, then went to Cisco for a while (not Linksys, real Cisco), but now I want more performance and range and the Cisco unit that can do that for me is big $$$, so will give this a try for a while.

Though Ciscos 4x4:3 200mW unit is very tempting, maybe when it drops in price whenever the next big thing is released.

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