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Resolved:Ubuntu wired issue not giving ip's to any wired linux device.

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Has anyone had this issue before? i've Installed latest ubuntu onto my laptop and latest rasp onto my raspberry pi and both have the same issue. Wireless works fine but as soon i try wired nothing happens. if i manually give it a fixed ip it will work but I want the router to give it a ip address.
Dont have this issue with any windows device.
By latest Ubuntu do you mean 20.04-1, 20.10 or 18.04-5? They are all latest. Which version for your Pi: Ubuntu or Debian (Raspberry OS)? Desktop or server?
Sometimes with Linux you need to reboot the device when you switch media (WIFI to Ethernet). I run Linux Mint on a laptop and desktop and do not have your problem. Ubuntu may be different even though Mint is Ubuntu.Debian based.
By latest Ubuntu do you mean 20.04-1, 20.10 or 18.04-5? They are all latest. Which version for your Pi: Ubuntu or Debian (Raspberry OS)? Desktop or server?
Sometimes with Linux you need to reboot the device when you switch media (WIFI to Ethernet). I run Linux Mint on a laptop and desktop and do not have your problem. Ubuntu may be different even though Mint is Ubuntu.Debian based.
resolved tried a different cable smh -.- I got 2 cables brand new out of a bag and they were both faulty tested it with a working cable and now the issue is fixed.

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