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RT-AC66U throughput and logging

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Hello. I am running a RT-AC66U with FW 380.68_4 and I'm running into a throughput issue when I have logging turned on (accepted, dropped, or both). My internet service is 80M / 10M. With any logging option turned on I'm at best seeing 43M throughput, this is because my router CPU is maxing out at 100%. However, if logging is turned off I can get what I suspect is my full throughout of about 73M. I am remote logging to a local machine running Splunk (standard syslog logging port 514 - local machine ethernet cabled).

Again, I'm seeing this performance hit even when I have only dropped packet logging turned on.

Any suggestions on what I can do to fix this or am I running into a physical limitation of my older router? Thanks!
Logging of all connections is going to put a significant strain on the CPU. You might be able to lessen the load by using a remote syslog server, but I believe that logging everything will still get you into performance issues.
If you want to log all traffic...get a proper FW that is built for that. I would say start with pfSense or OPNSense as something generally easy to setup and will be able to easily handle the logging you are trying to do to splunk.

I log the majority of my pfSense FW traffic to syslog as well with no performance issues. My splunk instance then picks up the logs from the local file server.

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