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380.65_4 on RT-AC3200 Unable to change device icons

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When looking at the network map, I am only able to change device names by click on the name. I am unable to click on the icon and change it. This is on a RT-AC3200 running 380.65_4. I have tried to get it to work with and without https. I have also tried in multiple browsers.

Any ideas?
Works perfectly for me on the AC3200.

Try a cold reboot, power lead out of router, wait for a few minutes then power on again. If that fails it's time for a factory reset.
I'm not sure if it worked before as I had never tried. I have recently factory reset recently. I was running 380.64_2 and upgraded to 380.65_2. This completely hosed the web interface. It would load after a reboot but then crash with no web access and I did not have SSH on. I factory reset it and managed to get it down to 380.65. I factory reset again while on 380.65. Then 380.65_4 came out so I loaded it. That is when I wanted to start changing the icons and noticed it was not workings.... I will try to record my settings tonight and do another reset :(

Update: I'm an idiot. Apparently you can't change the icons from the "view list" link. You have to click the round icon which brings the list up on the right. That works.
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