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'Apply' button not responsive

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Occasional Visitor
On certain pages, for example LAN > DHCP Server, the 'Apply' button doesn't function at all. I cannot click on it, not select it using tab then hit enter. It just doesn't seem to do anything. Which means I can't change settings on this page.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Have you tried in different browsers? Do you have anything like a JavaScript blocker on your browser interfering with the button’s operation?

Are you trying from a smart phone? Have you tried from a Windows PC?

And welcome to the forum
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I have tried a few -- chrome, firefox, seamonkey, midori. All the same. I don't run a javascript blocker no.
Turn on developer mode in chrome (F12) and look the console menu.
Any errors ?

And please notice us what's your router and firmware version.
Two errors when I first click on the 'DHCP Server' tab:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:719 Uncaught ReferenceError: initial is not defined
at onload (Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:719)
onload @ Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:719
DomManipulator.js:7 Init EAL

Then another one when I click on the 'Apply' button:

Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:920 Uncaught ReferenceError: applyRule is not defined
at HTMLInputElement.onclick (Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:920)

Router is RT-AC68U.
I'm running version 384.3 (just updated).
I can't remember the previous version, but it was the same in that one, at least the symptoms were the same. I upgraded first to see if that would resolve it.
Any other problems? Did you ever carry out a reset to factory default settings AFTER you flashed a firmware?

When you say you don’t remember which version was on previously, was it ASUS stock firmware or Merlin’s and approximately how long ago did to install it? (Just to give a rough idea of how many versions back it might be.)
No other issues no. There are other pages where the Apply button doesn't work as well, but I didn't keep a list of them and don't have time to go through them all now.
I was running an earlier version, I think it was version 380.? I would have installed it last year sometime, spring or summer.

I haven't done a factory reset yet, I'm too busy to set it all up again at the mo and this problem was present with the old version too anyway.
I did previously yes, when I first installed Merlin. But not since the upgrade I've just done today.
Honestly I can't remember. I guess I would have followed whatever instructions I used at the time, the README or whatever but I couldn't be 100% sure.
I will do a factory reset sometime this week hopefully when I get chance and will report back if it fixes it.
Look forwards to it. Good luck.

You read instructions? Good man! I tend to work on the principle of: if all else fails, read the instructions.
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The problem lies in that Syntax Error, however your paste is missing the actual error.
with everything expanded:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:719 Uncaught ReferenceError: initial is not defined
at onload (Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:719)
onload @ Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:719
DomManipulator.js:7 Init EAL
Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:920 Uncaught ReferenceError: applyRule is not defined
at HTMLInputElement.onclick (Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:920)
onclick @ Advanced_DHCP_Content.asp:920

There is nothing else shown
A logical explanation would be that a name appears in the Hostname or MAC address column that contains an apostophe (') character. But the error seems to indicate that the page is not initialized properly (because of that), so maybe you can't see any entries in the Manually Assigned IP around the DHCP list. I would recommend a factory default initialize.

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