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Asus AC68U running 378.55 - USB storage vs NAS

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Hey guys,
I've had my Asus AC68U since shortly after it was released. It's currently running asuswrt-merlin 378.55. I'm just using it at my home and it typically has about 8 devices connected (wired and wireless). I'm an IT administrator, so I like to think I know what I'm doing ;) I'm looking to add some networked storage that I can use as both a backup point for some Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 laptops. I'm debating whether I should go with a dedicated NAS (probably a QNAP TS-220) or just a USB 3.0 drive connected to my AC68U - I'd like about 4TB storage. The QNAP of course would offer their Windows backup software, but I imagine I could find a way to do incremental backup from the Windows devices to the network share. I don't know that I need any of the other functionality that the NAS provides. All things equal, does anyone think there would be a noticeable speed or functionality difference?
Check the forums, but my vote is spend the money and buy a dedicated NAS. I have a Synologoy DS213J and love it. i tried the USB connected drives, but the throughput and drain on the router is not worth the hassle
I also tried a USB drive before going to a NAS (Synology DS214Play). AiCloud works, but it's far more cumbersome and limited in features than that of a full-fledged NAS. Go ahead and hook up a spare hard drive to get a sense of what you can do, then head to QNAP and Synology's websites- you can test drive a 'virtual' NAS and play with the management software.
Another Synology user here.

These routers are not designed for high throughput storage use. You'd much better going with a NAS.

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