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DNS Privacy Protocol wont enable

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Occasional Visitor
Hi guys,

I tried to set up "DNS Privacy Protocol" but it won't stay on when I hit the apply button.
I have disabled "DNS Director", to test but not working either (even though it says on the wiki that "DNSDirector still works as before...")


AdGuard Version: v0.107.38
Skynet v7.4.6
YazFi v4.4.3
scribe v3.2.0
scMerlin v2.4.0
WAN IP Notification v3.41
uiScribe v1.4.5
YazDHCP v1.0.5
vnStat v2.0.4e
RTRMON v1.57
WireGuard Mgr v4.18
Entware aarch64-k3.10
Swap file /mnt/AMTM 2.0G
Is AdGuardHome compatible with the router's DoT? I don't know, but I suspect not as AdGuardHome negates the router's dnsmasq. Have a look in the AdGuardHome threads.

EDIT: Just checked the AdGuardHome source code and yes, it disables DoT if it sees it's enabled.

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