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Regular Contributor
Is there a simple way of downloading stuff to my cifs share using asus's version of transmission. Apparently it doesn't keep settings from the settings.json file and recreates the file during start up. I can temporarily setup DM to do what I want using the Transmission gui but as soon as the service restarts for what ever reason, everything defaults back except for some basic settings such as peers/bandwidth limits.

I could just disable dm all together and install via optware I think, but I kinda like using their interface for it. I poked around a little bit and found some conf files via the asusware/etc folder but I'm not to familiar with more advanced stuff. I'm not sure if I would break anything tinkering with that. It looks like it builds the settings.json file based on some of the stuff in those config files.

Would maybe a symlink work? I'm not exactly sure how symlinks work off hand. But any suggestions and/or help would be appreciated.

I'm currently using merlins latest build. Thanks.

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