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Firmware:3004.388.4_0_rog suggestions

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Traffic Analyzer/Traffic Monitor - change unit display for network traffic from MB to Mbps so it is consistent with Traffic Analyzer/Bandwidth Monitor


When on the Bandwidth Monitor page you cannot drag and drop the priorities onto devices, please add an option to do this on mobile (maybe in the pop up box when selecting a device?)

Logging - pppd
I'd like to see more log messages around pppd (communication received/sent as it doesn't seem to show as much info as a standard ISP router log.

Network Map/Status
Add section for currently negotiated port speed not just colour coding (my WAN runs through the 2.5Gbps port but it is green whether using 1Gbps or 2.5Gbps and there is no way to tell what has been negotiated).

Create a new firewall page for displaying just firewall log entries (DROP/ALLOW) to make it easier to manage what's going on.

- Director - when enabling or disabling rules, they aren't applied when navigating away from the page so if I enable a rule and VPN, the VPN gets enabled but the rule doesn't unless I click apply. Just feels inconsistent so maybe none should apply until apply is pressed?
- VPN Client/Wireguard - add option to reset client to default at the bottom as with OpenVPN clients. If I no longer use a WG client I cannot remove the name etc by setting to default as I can with the OVPN clients.

WiFi radar/channel statistics:
- Doesn't show channel information for 2.4G/20Mhz ch12/ch13.
- Doesn't show channel information for 2.4G/40Mhz ch10/ch11/ch12/ch13.
- Doesn't show information for 160Mhz on any radio.

WiFi radar/Configure
- add ability to save data collection settings
- add auto start function

- robocfg seems to be missing

- Change unit display for network traffic from MB to Mbps so it is consistent with Traffic Analyzer/Bandwidth Monitor
- Allow changing the ping target and also display the ping target
- when DDNS is active, the external WAN IP addressnis no longer shown just the DDNS host name. Show both or allow to configure.

If I think of anything else I'll post or amend, if this is the wrong place I apologise and let me know where I should be directing this stuff.
This website isn't an Asus support channel. No one from Asus will see your post. You should contact Asus directly with your suggestions.

If you want to make comments on features that are unique to Merlin's firmware you should post in the dedicated Merlin sub-forum.

robocfg is not appropriate for HND routers which is why it doesn't exist on those models.
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This website isn't an Asus support channel. No one from Asus will see your post. You should contact Asus directly with your suggestions.

If you want to make comments on features that are unique to Merlin's firmware you should post in the dedicated Merlin sub-forum.

robocfg is not appropriate for HND routers which is why it doesn't exist on those models.
Thanks for your quick reply.

I understand this isn't an Asus support channel however I use the Merlin firmware as additions/changes are made that otherwise may not hence my posting here. I will submit to Asus as well though.

Is there anyone that could move this post to the Merlin sub as that is definitely more appropriate?

With regards to robocfg, what has superseded it? Ethctl?
Thanks for your quick reply.

I understand this isn't an Asus support channel however I use the Merlin firmware as additions/changes are made that otherwise may not hence my posting here. I will submit to Asus as well though.

Is there anyone that could move this post to the Merlin sub as that is definitely more appropriate?

With regards to robocfg, what has superseded it? Ethctl?
You can "Report" your initial post and ask for it to be moved somewhere more appropriate.

Much of what you mentioned (e.g. WiFi radar) is part of the base firmware which Merlin doesn't change. So it would be better if you separated out things that are not unique to Merlin's firmware.

RMerlin provides the 3004.388.4_0_rog firmware on an "as is" basis. It is not supported and will likely not be provided in the future.

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