I've been trying to delete the data usage history that shows for July in the below image but it doesn't go anywhere, it continues to display even when dates much later appear, like dates in Dec.
I set both switches in the Persistent JFFS2 partition section to Yes for each entry and rebooted several times but the July data info persists. And that may not even be the right way to do it, while I'm not a complete novice I also do not have much experience with running scripts if that's something that needs to be done.
Clearly, I'm doing something wrong.
I set both switches in the Persistent JFFS2 partition section to Yes for each entry and rebooted several times but the July data info persists. And that may not even be the right way to do it, while I'm not a complete novice I also do not have much experience with running scripts if that's something that needs to be done.
Clearly, I'm doing something wrong.