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NFS USB mount on Linux?

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Occasional Visitor
Morning...am having issues getting my USB drive mounted over NFS on my Ubuntu [Lint Mint 15], and need a little help.

RT-N66u running Merlin build:
I have a Seagate 2Tb Go Flex formatted in ext3 connected up, and in NFS Exports, NFSD and Legacy Support are ON.
/mnt/sgate2tb/media * rw

On my Linux box, I have nfs-common nfs-kernel-server and portmap [though it was replaced with rpcbind] installed, which says it supports v2/3/4.
My fstab entry is:
//rt-n66u:/mnt/SGate2TB /media/RT_NAS nfsd guest,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr
(using just "nfs" gives me an unsupported protocol error)

I've tried various configurations of the fstab entry and NFS exports, but cannot get this to mount. Mounting it in Windows via CIFS is no problem, but I woudl like NFS for peformance reasons for my Plex server.

It seems to mounnt it, but when it opens there are what look like NFS configuration files, and I have no permissions to them or the directory.
Your fstab syntax is wrong. Don't use double lashes at the start, these are only for CIFS.
Tried w/o the double and still get the same outcome.

rt-n66u:/mnt/SGate2TB/Media /media/RT_NAS nfsd guest,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

Some of the files that are showing in the now mounted /media/RT_NAS are:

I again don't permissions to this directory, and cannot unmount it with sudo umount -a command. I am getting the following errors returned:
umount: /run/user: device is busy.
(In some cases useful info about processes that use
the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))
umount: /run/shm: device is busy.
(In some cases useful info about processes that use
the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))
umount: /run: device is busy.
(In some cases useful info about processes that use
the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))
umount: /dev: device is busy.
(In some cases useful info about processes that use
the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))
umount: /: device is busy.
(In some cases useful info about processes that use
the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))

I presume something in all of this is causing an rpcbind issue I am having. After I try to mount the NAS, when I reboot I am getting an rpcbind error and I end up having to go into the Recovery Console purge NFS and re-install to get my machine to boot again. Never had anythign like this before mounting shares on a ReadyNAS with NFS, so am a bit perplexed at this point.

Any ideas what might be happening?
Found this line in the Log:
mountd[540]: refused mount request from for /sgate2tb/media (/): not exported
Linux filesystems are case-sensitive. One place you wrote /mnt/SGate2TB/Media, and another you wrote it all in lowercase. Double check which one is the correct syntax.
Right, have corrected, all are same case, and still am getting the folder with what look like NFS config files, which requires root to unmount.

Almost the exact same fstab entries work with a ReadyNAS, so not sure where to go from here.

Is the "/mnt" needed? Have tried both ways and doesn't make a difference.

Am thinking might just reload my Linux and reformt and try again, is about time anyhow for a fresh install.
Merlin -

I have loaded up a fresh instll of Ubuntu 13.04, done all updates, installed nfs, reformatted the USB drive via gparted to ext3, and renamed everything, and configured the router and fstab....and am getting the same issues.

fstab entry:
RT-N66U:/mnt/AsusNAS/media /media/AsusNAS nfsd rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

NFS Export entries:
Enable NFSD & Legacy Support: ON
Path/Access LIst/Options: /mnt/AsusNAS/media * rw

A similarly configured fstab entry works no problem for my ReadyNAS: /media/NAS_Media nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr

Additionally, something in all of this creates an rpcbind error that when I reboot makes it hang. I have to then go to the recovery console and either purge rpcbind or comment out the RT-N66U fstab entry to boot the system.

You sure this isn't something in the beta build?
Works fine for me.

root@ubuntu-dev:~# mkdir /tmp/t
root@ubuntu-dev:~# mount /tmp/t -t nfs
root@ubuntu-dev:~# ls /tmp/t
ac56     minidlna                         nvram.txt                   Test           wlan_update.txt  wrtbwmon.zip
cfe.bin  nat-start                        Settings_RT-AC56U-test.CFG  track_eq2.txt  wlan_update.zip

I can't help you beyond that, I never use NFS myself. I would recommend keeping NFS V2 disabled however.

OK...sigh...figured it out. :D

1. used IP instead of hostname in fstab entry
2. used "nfs" instead of "nfsd" in fstab entry
3. used the full subnet "" in routers Export Access list instead of using the "*" wildcard

Probably didn't have an effect, but I also upgraded to version beta6.

Already copied over a video to a folder I created, so all looks good now. Whew!
OK...sigh...figured it out. :D

1. used IP instead of hostname in fstab entry
2. used "nfs" instead of "nfsd" in fstab entry
3. used the full subnet "" in routers Export Access list instead of using the "*" wildcard

Probably didn't have an effect, but I also upgraded to version beta6.

Already copied over a video to a folder I created, so all looks good now. Whew!

The problem was probably that you used nfsd instead of nfs. The filesystem is named nfs.

Be aware that writing large files to an NFS share isn't 100% stable however. This is a kernel-level issue which I have been unable to track down.
I originally had nfs, and it didn't work, but put in nfsd just as a trial since that is how it was referenced in the RTs gui...have never seen such before.

Guess when I have time will remove all, and put in one by one to figure out exactly which it was.

The only new configuration though that I had not tried is using the subnet.

Good thing is it is working.
Thanks for the help!

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