Theo Gjaltema
Occasional Visitor
A few months ago I switched from Ziggo to KPN, exchanged the Ziggo router to KPN-box12b and thought I could continue with business as usual. This was not the case. The intern network failed, the Netgear R7800 router statistics came with (internaly) transmissions of total 3.5 Gb/s (external to the KPN router: quite low). I thought to have solved this issue by enabling the igmp-snooping but still... It happens that the internal network still fails. As a bonus: The KPN router also stops support for wifi, telphony as well as any form of internet!
This happend last evening. The R7800 has been reconfigured last month in AccessPoint mode (no igmp-snooping option present here), I now removed it from the network and have good internet/telefony/tv since.
Does this ring a bell to anyone? Since I also could not reach the R7800 anymore I could not retrieve the logging data of it yet...
Known changes after the Ziggo->KPN change are:
* UPload speed 50Mb/s -> 1Gb/s
* Download speed 500Mb/s ->1Gb/s
* KPN uses multicast for TV
Regards, Theo
This happend last evening. The R7800 has been reconfigured last month in AccessPoint mode (no igmp-snooping option present here), I now removed it from the network and have good internet/telefony/tv since.
Does this ring a bell to anyone? Since I also could not reach the R7800 anymore I could not retrieve the logging data of it yet...
Known changes after the Ziggo->KPN change are:
* UPload speed 50Mb/s -> 1Gb/s
* Download speed 500Mb/s ->1Gb/s
* KPN uses multicast for TV
Regards, Theo