Jack Yaz
Part of the Furniture
Updated 2020-05-25
Run automated speedtests for your Internet on your router with graphs available on the Addons page of the WebUI.
This script began as a user-friendly installer for a personal project developed by @JGrana
spdMerlin is free to use under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL 3.0).
spdMerlin uses SpeedTest CLI
If the speeds from this utility are significantly lower than those you see from the desktop app/browser test, the limiting factor will be your router's CPU. That being said, there is probably room for improvement/optimisation by the Ookla team in the CLI binary itself. Please direct feedback about speed issues to Ookla via the above link. There is nothing that I can do about them.
spdMerlin includes the required licenses, which must be accepted on first run of Speedtest CLI.
A swap file is required to ensure smooth operation of the script.
The speedtest is scheduled to run at 12 past and 42 past the hour, every hour, by default
This project is hosted on GitHub
Love the script and want to support future development? Any and all donations gratefully received!
PayPal donation
Buy me a coffee
Supported firmware versions
You must be running firmware Merlin 384.15/384.13_4 or Fork 43E5 (or later) Asuswrt-Merlin
Using your preferred SSH client/terminal, copy and paste the following command, then press Enter:
To launch the spdMerlin menu after installation, use:
If this does not work, you will need to use the full path:
Launch spdmerlin and select option u
Updated 2020-05-25
Run automated speedtests for your Internet on your router with graphs available on the Addons page of the WebUI.
This script began as a user-friendly installer for a personal project developed by @JGrana
spdMerlin is free to use under the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL 3.0).
spdMerlin uses SpeedTest CLI
If the speeds from this utility are significantly lower than those you see from the desktop app/browser test, the limiting factor will be your router's CPU. That being said, there is probably room for improvement/optimisation by the Ookla team in the CLI binary itself. Please direct feedback about speed issues to Ookla via the above link. There is nothing that I can do about them.
spdMerlin includes the required licenses, which must be accepted on first run of Speedtest CLI.
A swap file is required to ensure smooth operation of the script.
The speedtest is scheduled to run at 12 past and 42 past the hour, every hour, by default
This project is hosted on GitHub
Love the script and want to support future development? Any and all donations gratefully received!
PayPal donation
Buy me a coffee
Supported firmware versions
You must be running firmware Merlin 384.15/384.13_4 or Fork 43E5 (or later) Asuswrt-Merlin
Using your preferred SSH client/terminal, copy and paste the following command, then press Enter:
/usr/sbin/curl --retry 3 "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jackyaz/spdMerlin/master/spdmerlin.sh" -o "/jffs/scripts/spdmerlin" && chmod 0755 /jffs/scripts/spdmerlin && /jffs/scripts/spdmerlin install
To launch the spdMerlin menu after installation, use:
If this does not work, you will need to use the full path:
Launch spdmerlin and select option u
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