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Terrible 5Gz Range on AX5400

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I am using a ASUS TUF AX5400 and it has terrible range on 5Ghz. I am just sitting barely 20 feet away from it with 1 brick wall in between it and me and RSSI I am receicing is -77 to -80.
I have another provider given cheap Zyxel 5Gz router sitting just besides this and when I turn it on just for testing purpose, I get good range and speed, like -59 ro -67 RSSI.
I have tried to factory reset the TUF AX5400, updating it to latest firmware , scanning my WiFI space and making sure that it is using vacant channels, changing Channel Bandwidth to 20, 40, 80 and 160 Mhz, nothing has helped so far.

Router Issue.jpg

Below is the screenshot of professional settings on my router. Even tried changing the Tx power to lower to see if that helps, that made matter worse.
Current Firmware Version :

Profrssional Settings.jpg
Hello my friend.

Can you try disabling "Universal Beamforming" and for OFDMA MU MIMO setting, set "DL/UL OFDMA + MU MIMO"?

Let me know how it goes.
Here's something you can try, as sometimes different channels have different transmit power levels.

Per your screenshot, the Zyxel is using channel 157 (i.e. "high") and the Asus is using channel 64 (i.e. "low"). Can you please swap the channels and re-check the RSSI levels?
Here's something you can try, as sometimes different channels have different transmit power levels.

Per your screenshot, the Zyxel is using channel 157 (i.e. "high") and the Asus is using channel 64 (i.e. "low"). Can you please swap the channels and re-check the RSSI levels?
Hey Man, your advise seems like it had a positive impact. I changed the Channels they were using and observe immediate better RSSI and Signal Strength.
Theoritically it doesnt make any sense though. As you can see, the 15x channels have more intererence from other network and there was nothigin on channel 67 and around.
Care to explain what might have happened ?
I would observe this for few days and report back

High Channe;.jpg
Lower channel, lower power.

WiFi is more 'art' than 'science', in real-world deployments. Even as it is a mix of both.
From what I can find in India you have up to 250mW on lower channels and up to 1000mW on higher. Use whatever works best for you.
Not re
Not really, altough I would have appreciated your source as i am willing to investigate more.
In India, the power limits for Wi-Fi channels are regulated by the government's regulatory authority, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). The maximum allowed transmit power for Wi-Fi devices in India was typically around 100 mW (20 dBm) for the 2.4 GHz band and around 200 mW (23 dBm) for the 5 GHz band.

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