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Working Link Aggregation Config RT-AC66U

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multiple bonds should be possible

but LinkAgg script support for multiple bonds does not exist currently
I also have no plans to add that support

but I do think it's entirely possible through jffs scripts
of which all the required info should be in this thread

as for synology, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one

as you can tell synology, is just problem after problem here

if you want I would recommend to try LinkAgg with your synology first
I suspect you'll find it fails

then you'll be back to just 1 bond, which the script does support
Thanks for the insight. I'll take my chances with the Synology, I've used them before and like them a lot more than any other brand. Once all the pieces get delivered I'll give it a whirl and see if I can figure out the two separate bonds.
Hello all! I created an account here just to engage this thread.
In the near future I'm going to purchase the AC68U and by the sounds of it put the Merlin firmware on there first thing. I'm waiting on the new Synology 1514+ to come out this year, hopefully sooner than later, and we'll see if that newer hardware plays nice with the 802.3ad idea.

I'm also considering getting a dual NIC PCI-E card for my server box at home so I can team that, as I do a LOT of file transfers to/from that thing. I read all 20 pages of this thread and saw someone mention multiple bonds (say 1+2 and 3+4) but didn't see a confirmation if that functionality was added with this script. All other devices in the household are wireless, so not worried about using all 4 ports.

Having a robust network infrastructure at home is just fun for me, as an IT geek. At work I get the play with server clusters that have 16+ NICs each, EqualLogic SANs, Cisco catalyst routers... etc etc. Of course vSphere makes link teaming a piece of cake. But, when I get home I want to keep on playing ;)


Well I have to say that With My AC68U I did not get link aggregation to work at all
my recommendation is to get a switch (like the Netgear GS108Tv2 for example) and use it to connect the devices that use link aggregation to that

Till so far link aggregation on the AC68U did not work with the Synoligy DS414 or Netgear GS108Tv2 at all
and I am still waiting for people that actually got it working on an AC68U
Till so far it's not the router i recommend for this
definitely a valid point

I've got an AC66U

I'm not sure if anybody has been successful with AC68U
Hi KAD, RMerlin

I've got it working on RT-N66U 374.39-Merlin with Synology 412+ (DSM 5.0 Beta)

but it brings another problem

My WLAN is not able to talk to bond0 :(

my pc in eth1 is okay to ping bond0, but all wireless clients are not able to ping bond0

check brctrl, all looks promising, any idea?

--- Bond Errors ---

--- Bond Status ---

Bond Status: bond0 UP
Bridge to WAN Status: Member of br0=bond0
Slave 1 Status: vlan=vlan3 Link=UP Port=3
Slave 2 Status: vlan=vlan4 Link=UP Port=4

cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.1.3 (June 13, 2007)

Bonding Mode: IEEE 802.3ad Dynamic link aggregation
Transmit Hash Policy: layer2 (0)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0

802.3ad info
LACP rate: fast
Active Aggregator Info:
Aggregator ID: 1
Number of ports: 2
Actor Key: 5
Partner Key: 17
Partner Mac Address: 00:11:32:xx:xx:b5

Slave Interface: vlan3
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 08:60:6e:xx:xx:48
Aggregator ID: 1

Slave Interface: vlan4
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 08:60:6e:xx:xx:48
Aggregator ID: 1

brctl show
bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces
br0 8000.08606ecbxxxx yes vlan1

I can only think of some isolations here, would be the vlan3/4 were used in Guest Network?
sorry but no idea's

I can only think of some isolations here, would be the vlan3/4 were used in Guest Network?

the script uses the first 2 vlan's that don't already exist

if vlan 3 & 4 had already existed
then script would use 5 & 6

the final part of this is a firewalls rule

# We allow these VLANs to access the AP
	iptables -I INPUT 1 -i ${2} -j ACCEPT
	iptables -I INPUT 1 -i ${3} -j ACCEPT
	iptables -I INPUT 1 -i ${1} -j ACCEPT

allows both vlan's and bond0 to basically do whatever they want
I've just have seen this in nvram

nvram show | grep vlan
vlan2ports=0 8u
lan_ifnames=vlan1 eth1 eth2
vlan1ports=1 2 3 4 8*
landevs=vlan1 wl0 wl1
size: 41891 bytes (23645 left)

checked wl0

nvram show | grep lan_ifname
lan_ifnames=vlan1 eth1 eth2
sorry I really don't know

if bonding is working regarding lan access for all devices, and probably is only that bond0 can't access WAN, then I would focus on iptables firewall rules, etc
sorry I really don't know

if bonding is working regarding lan access for all devices, and probably is only that bond0 can't access WAN, then I would focus on iptables firewall rules, etc

bond0 can access WAN/LAN, but not WLAN
LAN can access WAN/WLAN

checked iptables, no rules defined at all.

would be vlan separation? as the only difference is, bond0 is on a different vlan?

iptables -L -v
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 ACCEPT all -- bond0 any anywhere anywhere
0 0 ACCEPT all -- vlan4 any anywhere anywhere
0 0 ACCEPT all -- vlan3 any anywhere anywhere
168 14206 DROP all -- any any anywhere anywhere state INVALID
18096 2006K ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
26 7021 ACCEPT all -- lo any anywhere anywhere state NEW
5398 712K ACCEPT all -- br0 any anywhere anywhere state NEW
24 8086 ACCEPT udp -- any any anywhere anywhere udp spt:bootps dpt:bootpc
2 60 ACCEPT icmp -- any any anywhere anywhere
0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- eth0 any anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:1723
0 0 ACCEPT gre -- any any anywhere anywhere
1911 159K DROP all -- any any anywhere anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
15034 1664K ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
0 0 DROP all -- !br0 eth0 anywhere anywhere
432 29052 DROP all -- any any anywhere anywhere state INVALID
13 2335 ACCEPT all -- br0 br0 anywhere anywhere
0 0 ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere ctstate DNAT
5867 359K ACCEPT all -- br0 any anywhere anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 21229 packets, 4162K bytes)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination

Chain FUPNP (0 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 ACCEPT udp -- any any anywhere udp dpt:4500
0 0 ACCEPT udp -- any any anywhere udp dpt:5353

Chain PControls (0 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere

Chain logaccept (0 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 LOG all -- any any anywhere anywhere state NEW LOG level warning tcp-sequence tcp-options ip-options prefix `ACCEPT '
0 0 ACCEPT all -- any any anywhere anywhere

Chain logdrop (0 references)
pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
0 0 LOG all -- any any anywhere anywhere state NEW LOG level warning tcp-sequence tcp-options ip-options prefix `DROP '
0 0 DROP all -- any any anywhere anywhere
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it's right there

0 0 ACCEPT all -- bond0 any anywhere anywhere
0 0 ACCEPT all -- vlan4 any anywhere anywhere
0 0 ACCEPT all -- vlan3 any anywhere anywhere

so vlan 3/4 and bond0 can do whatever they want
Thank you guys(/girls) for all the effort into getting this this up and running!

Hi KAD, RMerlin

I've got it working on RT-N66U 374.39-Merlin with Synology 412+ (DSM 5.0 Beta)

but it brings another problem

My WLAN is not able to talk to bond0 :(
Same issue here, with almost the same hardware/software combination; RT-N66U (374.39) and Synology DS713+ (DSM 4.3-3827). Everything seems to work fine, but none of my WLAN 2.4GHz or 5GHz connected devices are able to trace-route the NAS now (not even a single hop). :confused:
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Hey everyone. I know this a bit on the necro side but I didn't think a whole new thread was appropriate.

I have a RT-AC68U running 374.40_Alpha4 and I'd like to use Link Aggregation. When I run the LinkAgg 1.5 script on ports 3 & 4 from a flash drive it will say Bonding Complete and then kill the router. I cannot access web or SSH and the internet dies. Powering off and on again is the only fix.

I ran the chmod a+rx on the flash drive to make sure the script would execute and it seems to run fine, the router just implodes when it is done. I've tried running the script with the end device connected and disconnected with no difference, always get a hard lock. Am I missing something?

Snoopy, I had experienced a similar issue. I got it to work tonight!

Please make sure you have installed the following...

entware note: you need a usb flash drive formated with ext2 or ext3. reboot the router after you plug the usb drive in.

ifenslave : once you have entware installed, install the ifenslave package.
Snoopy, I had experienced a similar issue. I got it to work tonight!

Please make sure you have installed the following...

entware note: you need a usb flash drive formated with ext2 or ext3. reboot the router after you plug the usb drive in.

ifenslave : once you have entware installed, install the ifenslave package.

yes this can be done, via entware and ifenslave

but the script I wrote does not use them
instead it uses the sysfs driver
I've used this script to configure LACP between my freenas (server class dual NIC MB) and my RT-AC66U. It works fine EXCEPT for one issue that was already pointed out in a couple of other posts on this thread. No layer 3 reachability from my NAS to my wireless clients or vice versa. The NAS can reach the WAN/Internet and all LAN devices.

The bond status is good on both sides, so it's not a configuration error. I don't think this script is 100%, as the traffic is being blocked within the router. Have any of the folks that are having this same issue gotten it working?
I'm having the same problem linkagg works fine between RT-N66U router and Netgear ReadyNAS Pro but WLAN can't see it, since its just a media server for my HTPC's I just ran ethernet to them as a temporary fix. Has anyone actually got the WLAN side working?
Anyone have any luck getting the wlan to work with the linked LAN ports? It would be nice to have the wireless devices access the NAS while it's in line. I do understand the internal routing speed is the limiting factor, but I'm just playing with ideas seeing as I can LACP from NAS to Router to Access point now possibly.
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Used first method, entware + ifenslave. LAN -> NAS (OK) but WAN to NAS (KO). No traffic from WAN to LACP ports... Last LinkAgg script dont work with old Merlin's firmware ( but I don¡t want to upgrade 'cause makes my 5G slug.

P.D: Ok, not really sure what happened but let me explain what I made to fix it. I used the original method, after I configured LACP on Synology (just create a new Bond) on the Interface tab in the Network Menu.

Then the LACP worked but no WAN access was possible. Then I used the LinkAgg 1.5 script to execute a LinkAgg.sh -d twice in a row. The script said everything was deleted but the bond0 still on "ifconfig" command. Finally without destroy the LACP on Synology I just launched the original script (from the first page) again. Everything was fine but bond0 that was already created (and not deleted by the LinkAgg 1.5 script).

Even with shown errors on the script execution now suddently I've LACP configured perfect on Synology to Router and WAN access to Synology (Wireless too). Maybe the script's creators can explain why...
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