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Asus-Merlin : DDNS : public ip instead of interface ip

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Occasional Visitor
Hi Merlin,

I have a question.
I noticed that the dynamic dns part on an asus router always chooses the WAN IP address to update it's dynamic dns information, however new routers detect when this IP is a local ip (192.x|10.x) and instead choose to search for the internet ip by conencting to the internet.
(NAT behind NAT like a private router behind the provider router for extra security)

I was wondering if you could give the firmware a litle more flixibility by adding the possibility to intercept bad IP's (local adresses) and instead go search for the public ip so that it would work even in a NAT behind NAT situation.

Like this:

Wauw, great I didn't know that :)

Can I use that in conjunction with the asuscomm.com dyndns ? (because for as I know there is no username or password)

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