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ASUS N56U w/ Padavan FW Proxy Server

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I've searched that internet and can't find anything on what I'm trying to do. I'm wondering if there's an easy way to enable a proxy server on my ASUS N56U router with the latest Padavan custom firmware? I want this so I can enter the proxy information on my work's WiFi conneciton to get around their web filtering. I know that I can disable WiFi or forget the WiFi network while I'm at work, but then I use my cellular data.

Thanks for any help in advance.
1. VPN is one way.
2. You can also install optware and configure "nylon" - socks5 proxy server if you can't use VPN.
3. Not suitable for smartphones, but I'll still mention it: you can create an ssh tunnel to the router and enable proxy through it. Putty allows it, and then you would use as a proxy address in the browser. On *nix you can create a socks proxy with a -D switch
ssh <username>@<yourrouter's wan address> -p <remore port> D <proxy port>
proxy port can be anything you like
Thanks for the suggestions. I currently have a SSH tunnel that I use for my work computer. I can't get that method to work on my phone.

How could I use VPN to act as a proxy? I'm not too familiar with setting up or configuring VPNs.
It's pretty straightforward. It is under VPN settings in WebUI in Padavan's f/w. Just use defaults and create username and password. You never mentioned what device you are connecting.
I think I can setup the VPN without any issues. I just wasn't sure what special settings I would need to configure to use it as a proxy server. I'm trying to connect my iPhone 5 to the proxy to bypass my work's WebSense filtering.
1. VPN is one way.
2. You can also install optware and configure "nylon" - socks5 proxy server if you can't use VPN.
3. Not suitable for smartphones, but I'll still mention it: you can create an ssh tunnel to the router and enable proxy through it. Putty allows it, and then you would use as a proxy address in the browser. On *nix you can create a socks proxy with a -D switch
ssh <username>@<yourrouter's wan address> -p <remore port> D <proxy port>
proxy port can be anything you like

moonman, is (2) a prerequisite to (3)? I didn't install optware + nylon and I tried doing (3) but it did not work.

Appreciate the help.
No it is not a requirement. You didn't set it up properly then.
Using putty? It can be a little tricky with putty.
Got it working -- not entirely what went wrong the first time but anyhow it's all good now.


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