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Can't reach RT-AC68U (behind Fios Quantum Gateway G1100) / FTP outside of my LAN. Please HELP!

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Hey everyone!

This is my first post, so please bare with me. I've tried doing this on my own, but I think I'm either over doing something or have done something incorrectly. The mission is to access files via my Asus RT-AC68U router which has an external hard drive attached, away from home (VPN securely) by way of my iPhone or laptop on a different network. I can access this while inside of the home.

My setup is currently:

1.Verizon Fios Quantum Gateway G1100 (connection shared via ethernet cord) to 2.ASUS RT-AC68U (which has an external hard drive connected to it to share files/FTP) running asuswrt-merlin 384.7. I usually have Express VPN via manually setup running in the VPN Client section of my router.

What I've done so far:

  • I've turned on AiCloud 2.0's Cloud Disk and Smart Access
  • USB Application's Samba Share/Cloud Disk Enable Share is ON
  • USB Application's FTP Share Enable FTP and WAN access is ON (Enable TLS Support No)
  • Virtual Server / Port Forwarding via range 20,21 with my local IP
  • I've tried setting up OpenVPN as VPN Server on my router and downloaded the client on my laptop, but I'm stuck there on what to do next.

With all that being said, I am still unable to reach my files outside of the home or on a different network outside the home. Could someone please provide me any additional steps I need to take in order for this to work VPN securely?
  • Do I need to create a static IP for my ASUS router?
  • I have No-IP DDNS setup, should I provide No-IP my "public ip address"?
  • I get my public ip address for my asus router via IPchicken website, it's the same as my Fios router, does that sound correct?
  • Would this impact me using a VPN client on my router like ExpressVPN (going outward / browsing the web)? Or should I be setting up something via the VPN Server section rather than VPN Client?
  • Do I need to do something on my Fios router in regards to port forwarding?

Sorry if these questions are novice. Any help at this point would be greatly appreciated! I'm willing to start over if need be!
I'll let the experts field most of these questions but there are a few questions that I might be able to help with. Is the vzw gateway in bridge mode? If not you have double NAT which I think can still work but with extra steps. I'm confused on what you mean by a public IP address for the router and it being the same as the gateway. This leads me to believe that the gateway is NOT in bridge mode. If your wan IP address is static or does not change often you don't necessarily need DDNS. If your wan IP address changes on a regular basis you'll need DDNS so that you have a consistent address that gets updated when your IP address changes. You can run a vpn client at the same time that you run a vpn server on the router. As you stated, you'll use the vpn client for browsing the web and then you'll use the vpn server for accessing your network from outside the LAN. I'll take a guess here but with the gateway in bridge mode you don't need to forward any ports. The incoming request will hit the router/vpn server and it will take care of connecting you to the LAN. If the gateway is not in bridge mode then it becomes more complex as I previously stated. I think I've seen people mention putting the router in the gateway's dmz but don't quote me on that. Hope this helps and I'm sure the experts will chime in soon.
My question is: Why do you have a gateway?

According to Verizon, you can get a FIOS modem. Then you can connect the ASUS and get what you want.

If you have the gateway for TV Service, cancel the service and stream your TV programs.
My question is: Why do you have a gateway?

According to Verizon, you can get a FIOS modem. Then you can connect the ASUS and get what you want.

If you have the gateway for TV Service, cancel the service and stream your TV programs.

I'm kind of new to this :cool: lol

I just got ASUS RT-AC68U (which I use for external hard drive purpose *in 1st post*)
I just got ASUS RT-AC68U (which I use for external hard drive purpose *in 1st post*)
Still, do you really need the Verizon gateway. Usually the ISP (internet service providers) just include a gateway because they want you to sign up for their TV service. And most ISP will add a monthly charge for that gateway. Additionally, ISP gateways usually have limitations or restrictions that prevent the consumer from doing their thing.
Still, do you really need the Verizon gateway. Usually the ISP (internet service providers) just include a gateway because they want you to sign up for their TV service. And most ISP will add a monthly charge for that gateway. Additionally, ISP gateways usually have limitations or restrictions that prevent the consumer from doing their thing.

Would this be causing my issue you think?
Would this be causing my issue you think?
By having the Verizon gateway and a separate router you have more than doubled the complexity of your home network. Additionally, with two WiFi sources in close proximity you have to manage the channel usage to prevent issues. To answer your question, yes, the Verizon gateway is probably preventing you from doing what you want. Why try to figure out a circumvention, just get rid of it and have Verizon give you a modem.

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