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DNS-O-Matic Issues On RT-N66U with 376.49_5

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Parallax Abstraction

Occasional Visitor
Hey all. Apologies if this has been answered but I looked a fair bit and didn't find anything. I'm having issues getting DNS-O-Matic working with my brand new RT-N66U which I flashed Asuswrt-Merlin on. I am using FreeDNS as my DDNS provider and signed up for a new DNS-O-Matic account earlier today and tied my FreeDNS account to it. I configured the DDNS page on the router as follows:

Hostname: all.dnsomatic.com
Username: <my username for the site, typed exactly as I login with>
Password: <same>
Wildcard: No (also tried Yes)
Forced update interval: 21 days
WAN and hostname verification: No (also tried Yes)

Every time I save the settings, it immediately comes back and says "Authentication failed." I've tried using my DNS-O-Matic username as well as the e-mail for the account, neither works. I can login to the DNS-O-Matic site no problem.

I did a bunch of searching and can't find a solution to this particular symptom. Can anyone assist? Much appreciated!
Working for me with the same configuration.

Any non-alphanumeric characters in your username or password? (just a wild-a** guess)
There's a special character in my password as I generated it with LastPass. Interesting thought, I wonder if Asurwrt-Merlin doesn't care for that. I'll update the password and try again.

EDIT: Thank you sir! Very good catch! Turns out the firmware doesn't like special characters in the DNS-O-Matic password. I'd prefer to have them but certainly not the end of the world. I'm using a password that's only alphanumeric now and it registered right away. Thanks again!
I believe you have to escape special characters with a "\", so you would enter "pa$$word?" as "pa\$\$word\?". Or just don't have any. :)
Hello all
I found small bug when i use IE11
Traffic Manager/Traffic Monitor - when i try view graph for example Wireles 2.4 or 5 GHz i see graph for one moment and view is back to Ethernet WAN. On ff is ok.
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