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For Only RT-AC Models

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A shout out of gratitude to John (LTS Fork) and RMerlin for their dedicated projects !!!

As a Network Administrator, some co-workers and I looked at the ASUS code for some extended insight since I have had the pleasure of using this Project from the humblest beginning's of John's Fork (THANK YOU) to the current Outstanding and Dedicated Services of Merlin (MERCI) !!!

I will keep this post simple, to the point, in which my only attempt is trying to assist the members who have/are experiencing problems with their RT-AC Models. We tried various combinations and scenarios but always reverted to the Order below. We have used this Order on every release and currently at 386.12_4 which specifically targets the RT-AC68 family......AC68U, AC68P, AC1900P we have. The ROUTER Set-Up is mostly minimal without the aid of scripts nor additional services nor rebootings. It may seem like excessive or exhaustive oriented details but this is what we have concluded to arrive to and so fully enjoy these models nearing EOL.

Some stats are:

- Discovered on 'Advanced Settings/Wireless/General you have to physically 'APPLY' for the settings to be effective.

- Control Channel is on AUTO and Very Dependable.

Used 78 MB
Free 178 MB
Total 256 MB

- NVRAM usage53267 / 65536 bytes
- JFFS2.43 / 62.75 MB

We have found in conclusion the following order has given the best productive router results and error free logs other than boot-up entries which are mainly syslogs and dnsmasq-dhcp logging:

1. Under the 'Advanced Settings/Administration/System/Restore/Save/Upload' Setting ENABLE THE FOLLOWING:

'Factory Default, Restore and Initialize all the settings, and clear all the data log for AiProtection, Traffic Analyzer, and Web History'

Under the 'Advanced Settings/Administration/System/Persistent JFFS2 partition' Setting ENABLE THE FOLLOWING:

'Enable Format JFFS partition at next boot'


3. USE ONLY the Minimal Setup to enter the Router, then go to 'Administration/System/Service' and ENABLE SSH.

4. Use WinSCP to upload the firmware of choice to the Default Location which is 'tmp/home/root/' of the Router.

5. Using SSH, Enter the following command:

mtd-write2 /tmp/home/root/FIRMWARE NAME.trx linux && reboot
Press Enter

6. After the Router reboots SSH should still be active, Enter the following command:

mtd-erase2 nvram
Press Enter

7. Unplug the Router from the Electrical Outlet, wait a couple of minutes, Re-plug into the Electrical Outlet and let the Router Reboot.

8. USE ONLY The Minimal Setup to access the Router.

9. Once Again:

Under the 'Advanced Settings/Administration/System/Restore/Save/Upload' Setting ENABLE THE FOLLOWING:

'Factory Default, Restore and Initialize all the settings, and clear all the data log for AiProtection, Traffic Analyzer, and Web History'

Under the 'Advanced Settings/Administration/System/Persistent JFFS2 partition' Setting ENABLE THE FOLLOWING:

'Enable Format JFFS partition at next boot'


11. SET-UP The Router as you wish.

Note: We have not experimented other various features, programs etc. on these routers than what was stated. Should you do so and find your Router fully functioning then by all means please post your results and the programs, features used for anyone else that might be in need.

Best Wishes !!!
@Baseman As discussed at length in other threads using mtd-write2 to flash the firmware is a bad idea. Especially for the RT-AC68U as since 386.5_0 the trx file contains two different images. There was a similar discussion regarding the HND models here. mtd-write2 should only be used as a last resort when both the GUI method and Rescue Mode cannot be used.

To summarize your procedure:
1) Hard factory reset.
2) Upload new firmware.
3) Hard factory reset.
4) Configure router.

Regarding hard factory resets, there's a sticky post here: https://www.snbforums.com/threads/faq-nvram-and-factory-default-reset.22822/ which links to this Asus FAQ.
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