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Network printer no longer available after activating Guest networks

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Occasional Visitor
Hi all,

I own a Brother printer model HL-3210CW, which is only connectable to network via Wifi.
For some reason, when I activate guest networks in Asus Merlin-WRT ver 3004.388.6_2 (router AX88U), I do get two new networks suffixed "_Guest" for both my 2.4 and 5 GHz networks, but for some reason, my smartphones and PCs can't see the printer anymore.
I tried to reconfigure the printer from factory defaults using WPS pairing, it worked, and my printer did get the expected fixed local IP, but unless I disable guest networks, I can't access it through my other devices.

I'm sure neither the printer nor my devices are connected to the guest networks. My printer can only access the 2.4 GHz network, but this was never a problem.

Any idea why this is happening?
Thanks in advance!

What do the router system log show? Any errors or issues related to WiFi or the printer?
Does the printer loose IP address when the Guest Network is active?
Can you access the printer's administration page from the LAN client devices when the Guest Network is active? This including accessing the printer by it's IP address.
What is the IP address range used on the local network? If using 192.168.101.x or 192.168.102.x as the main LAN IP address range may cause issues when activating Guest WiFi.
Does the printer have a manual IP address set in the router's LAN > DHCP server page?
The devices that can no longer access the printer, are they connecting to the Guest Network WiFi?
If you have changed the printer's IP address for any reason one may have to delete printer entries on the local network client devices and recreate a new printer association.
May help if you post your WiFi and Guest Network settings (redacting any sensitive information).

What do the router system log show? Any errors or issues related to WiFi or the printer?
Does the printer loose IP address when the Guest Network is active?
Can you access the printer's administration page from the LAN client devices when the Guest Network is active? This including accessing the printer by it's IP address.
What is the IP address range used on the local network? If using 192.168.101.x or 192.168.102.x as the main LAN IP address range may cause issues when activating Guest WiFi.
Does the printer have a manual IP address set in the router's LAN > DHCP server page?
The devices that can no longer access the printer, are they connecting to the Guest Network WiFi?
If you have changed the printer's IP address for any reason one may have to delete printer entries on the local network client devices and recreate a new printer association.
May help if you post your WiFi and Guest Network settings (redacting any sensitive information).
Thank you for your welcome and support. :)

I do not have anything specific to the printer in the log. But I remember having every second a DHCPREQUEST or so if I remember right from my TP-Link Tapo cam, which seemed to work properly, though.
No, the printer does not lose its local IP. It says it's been connected for a certain duration, which is accurate, and does show its local IP correctly.
My DHCP is configured as 192.168.1.X, gateway, DHCP range from 100 to 200, fixed IP of the printer
No device is connected at all to the Guest Wifi. I've created it with the intention to connect my IoT devices (plugs and cam) to it to increase security.
I'll investigate further and come back to you.
Thank you!
I've given it another shot reactivating the Guest 2.4 GHz network, and it seems that somehow the Guest network is "interfering" with the normal network.
As soon as I have activated it, I started getting sometimes lost packages in my ping requests to the printer.
Also, when I activate the Guest network, when I hit "Print" on my PC connected via Ethernet to my router (router being connected to the printer by Wifi), the print menu hangs for like 10 seconds and then displays the printing menu; In my last test, sometimes the PC said the printer was not reachable.

Is there a possibility to use different channels for the Guest network and the "normal" network in Merlin-WRT? I can't find such an option!

Edit: To be confirmed, but it seems that simply renaming the whole prefix of my guest network seems to have solved the issue, but I'm still monitoring.
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Oh well, changing the SSID didn't work as I initially thought... :(
Out of clues, I guess it's an incompatibility of my printer and that specific feature... too bad...
Save your configuration, upgrade to the Alpha 2 388.7 and see if it works there. If the same issue - report it in this thread:

This gives you a chance to get it fixed. If something goes wrong you can revert to stable at any time - use your saved configuration.
It seems so far the alpha2 version solved the problem. I feel the access to the printer from my smartphone is slower than without the Guest network activated, but I will monitor a bit longer. :)
Maybe my experience will help... I only use the 2.4 GHz band for home automation devices, so I don't care about speed. So, when I was having troubles due to interference from neighbors, I set that band to the narrowest bandwidth I could, which reduces speed but increases range. Looking at the networks with a wifi app, I could see a big difference, and I haven't had any problems since I did that.
Maybe my experience will help... I only use the 2.4 GHz band for home automation devices, so I don't care about speed. So, when I was having troubles due to interference from neighbors, I set that band to the narrowest bandwidth I could, which reduces speed but increases range. Looking at the networks with a wifi app, I could see a big difference, and I haven't had any problems since I did that.
How can you do that? Thanks!
PS: So far, things are still holding on well with the latest alpha2 firmware.
How can you do that? Thanks!
PS: So far, things are still holding on well with the latest alpha2 firmware.
For me, it's under the wireless settings, select 2.4 GHz, then find "Channel bandwidth"; I have a choice between 20 and 40, so I chose 20 MHz. If you don't care about maximum speed on that channel, I'd advise choosing the narrowest bandwidth.

If you ever need better range in the 5 GHz band, you can choose a narrower bandwidth there, too. I personally use 40, even though 50 is a feature for maximum speed. I suppose if you're always close to the router, 50 would be ideal, though.

Edit: added "don't" for don't care. It should be obvious if anyone read the rest of the thread that's what I meant, but some might not read it all.

Also, I don't know where my brain was, when I wrote about 5 GHz. I meant 80, not 50, but I also forgot there is an option to enable 160, which I didn't have checked. So, to be clear, the fastest speed would be at 160 MHz (for RT-AX86U at least).
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If you care about maximum speed on that channel, I'd advise choosing the narrowest bandwidth.

You can't get maximum speed by reducing the bandwidth. Otherwise 20MHz on 2.4GHz is recommended due to band congestion.

I personally use 40, even though 50 is a feature for maximum speed

There is no 50 channel bandwidth on 5GHz band. The options are 20-40-80-160MHz. 80MHz works for most people well enough.
You can't get maximum speed by reducing the bandwidth. Otherwise 20MHz on 2.4GHz is recommended due to band congestion.

There is no 50 channel bandwidth on 5GHz band. The options are 20-40-80-160MHz. 80MHz works for most people well enough.
Sorry for the typo and brain fart. You are correct, and I edited the post. I was trying to get the point across that the narrowest bandwidth is best for range. at the expense of speed. My brain was out to lunch for my last post.
Hi all,

I'm sad to report that neither forcing the bandwith to 20MHz on 2.4 GHz and 80MHz on 5 GHz, nor upgrading the firmware worked durably.

In fact, this afternoon, I tried to query the printer from my laptop connected to the 5 GHz network. The printer was visible from my smartphone also connected on the 5 GHz network, but from the laptop I got 50 to 75% packet loss by ping.

As usual, switching off the Guest network totally solved the problem.

I'm almost positive the issue comes from the printer which must be embarking an aging Wifi sensor. Oh well, might as well keep my IoT devices on my conventional network, not that bad...

Thanks for the help, anyway! 😊🙏
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You're not connecting the printer to your Guest Networks, correct?

If connected to normal 2.4GHz network and still experiencing the same issue when Guest Network is enabled - report it to Asuswrt-Merlin threads for a chance to get it fixed. Seems like a firmware bug. I'm using Brother and Canon printers at home, both on Wi-Fi, both have no issues. I have different router and Wi-Fi equipment though.
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You're not connecting the printer to your Guest Networks, correct?

If connected to normal 2.4GHz network and still experiencing the same issue when Guest Network is enabled - report it to Asuswrt-Merlin threads for a chance to get it fixed. Seems like a firmware bug. I'm using Brother and Canon printers at home, both on Wi-Fi, both have no issues. I have different router and Wi-Fi equipment though.
Is it not where I am right now?
Is it not where I am right now?

I mean threads like this one:

This is where folks around test and report bugs for upcoming Asuswrt-Merlin 388.7 firmware. I understand no everyone can do it due to various limitations.

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