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Network problems using ASUS AC86u, MacBooks/Mac Mini

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I have a home network with an ASUS AC86u router. The router is hooked up to a 5G modem. My internet connection is usually fine (just tested 50Mbps/30Mbps). There are some problems internally on the network, though. I’m not sure if it’s due to the router or if there is another cause. I’m hoping someone can help figure out what’s wrong.


ASUS AC86u router running current stock firmware
5G modem
2 AppleTV’s
2 iPhones
1 Mac Mini
2 MacBook Pros

Works well:

Downloading things from the internet runs pretty quickly. I just tested and get 50Mbps down, 30Mbps up. It’s a wireless 5G connection so I guess that might vary. But generally the upload/download speeds are fine for downloading files and streaming.


Transfering a file between the MacBooks/Mac Mini is extremely slow. A 1GB file might take 15-20+ minutes to transfer. Before it even begins, it sits at the “Estimating time remaining” message for a minute or two.

Using Airplay to play YouTube videos from my iPhone to my AppleTV never works the first time. I need to play the video, select Airplay to the AppleTV and it doesn’t play. I then close the video. Reopen it and select Airplay again. Then it usually works that second time. This happens on my iPhone and my wife’s iPhone. It happens with both of our AppleTVs.

My Mac Mini is running a PlexTV server. If I stream from the PlexTV server, it’s often laggy or low resolution or sometimes just doesn’t work.

What I’ve tried:

Updated router firmware
Updated MacBook and Mac Mini macOS
Updated iPhone iOS / YouTube app

I don’t know if the router is the problem but I don’t see what else it could be. Anyone have suggestions? Thanks..
I have a home network with an ASUS AC86u router. The router is hooked up to a 5G modem. My internet connection is usually fine (just tested 50Mbps/30Mbps). There are some problems internally on the network, though. I’m not sure if it’s due to the router or if there is another cause. I’m hoping someone can help figure out what’s wrong.

What's wrong is that you have an Apple centric network and running an Asus router.

Asus is one of the most Apple hostile router vendors out there - basically a lot of shirt just doesn't work...

Synology - works fine...
I don't see that Asus is 'apple-hostile'. Rather the opposite in my experience. If it's not Apple's way, things often grind to a halt.
Transfering a file between the MacBooks/Mac Mini is extremely slow. A 1GB file might take 15-20+ minutes to transfer. Before it even begins, it sits at the “Estimating time remaining” message for a minute or two.

Mac user here with AX/AC86's that work fine.

Maybe you suffer bad signal quality / congestion. Or your AC86 is dying on you.
Your wan speed seems okay but it is quite slow compared to what the internal network should be able to do.

The fact that Airplay is not working well is suspicious to me.
If you changed (wireless) settings in the router go back to standard first.
Reset to factory standard if you don't remember what you changed.

Look at the networks around you and see if you need to change channels.
At what speeds do your devices connect? (option click wifi icon in Macos).
Signal quality?

Below will not improve your wifi connections but will make transferring more effcient:

Apple uses smb nowadays and that is still not (always) working as fast/reliable as the good old afp.
Smb signing and reserving space is making it slow amongst others.
There are all kinds of settings you can change to improve but changing to afp is quicker and no need to use the terminal (if that bothers you).

Afp is officially deprecated but still works fine.
Connect your macs with afp; in finder go/connect to server and use afp://[the other mac or IP].local

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