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New WNDR3300 Firmware available

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Occasional Visitor
While I wouldn't suggest it as a reason to run out and buy this router, if any of y'all already have it and are running the 1.0.26 or earlier firmwares, my experience the last couple weeks (from their beta forum) with 1.0.29 has been much improved for web surfing throughput and consistency on 5GHz .n with a 4965AGN client (also go to Intel's site and get the new 4965 drivers).


There is also a 1.0.30 that came out yesterday, that presumably fixed a bug with the 1.0.29 for a specific Motorola modem. . . but I haven't tried it as the bug doesn't apply to me.

Wow. And Intel's new 4965/5100/5300 drivers, that were released on 11/24, when combined with the Netgear firmware upstream, seem to have finally resolved my drop issues entirely. At least I've got three straight nights of no drops now.

This router has officially gone from "Arrgh, the pain, the pain!" to solidly mediocre in my book! ;) And it only took about nine months. . . . :cool:
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