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VPNMON VPNMON-R3 Custom Server List Generation Tutorials and Examples

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You definitely have a gift, and what seems a much easier time developing these statements than I do! :)

I gave your "for i" loop sample a try, and while New York resulted in 3 returns, Alabama (as in @JTnola's case) only comes back with 1 result for me... I would have expected 5 for each... I wasn't sure if posix could handle a loop like that, so I changed it up... also added a sleep 1 in there, to see if that would cause the API to give me more IPs as well... so this statement consistently gives me 4 IPs:

i=0; while [ $i -ne 5 ]; do i=$((i + 1)); curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://serverlist.piaservers.net/vpninfo/servers/v6 | jq --raw-output '.regions[] | select(.name=="US Alabama") | .servers.ovpnudp[].ip' 2>/dev/null; sleep 1; done | sort | uniq
Yep just tested the for loop sample i posted in VPNMON it wasn't detected as a valid command i had to reformat it all on a single line :

for i in {1..5}; do curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://serverlist.piaservers.net/vpninfo/servers/v6 | jq --raw-output '.regions[] | select(.name=="US New York") | .servers.ovpnudp[].ip' 2>/dev/null; done | sort | uniq

What i noticed is that if i run the command manually in a Linux terminal I get more results.

i=0; while [ $i -ne 5 ]; do i=$((i + 1)); curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://serverlist.piaservers.net/vpninfo/servers/v6 | jq --raw-output '.regions[] | select(.name=="US Alabama") | .servers.ovpnudp[].ip' 2>/dev/null; sleep 1; done | sort | uniq

Your command seems to get results more consistently with VPNMON List Automation.

Awesome job.

Raising the sleep value will give you more results since there might be timer for when the ip's rotate.
With sleep 1 i got 4 rows with sleep 5 i got 6 rows.
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Raising the sleep value will give you more results since there might be timer for when the ip's rotate.
With sleep 1 i got 4 rows with sleep 5 i got 6 rows.
Super interesting find, @Rajjco! Totally worth the wait, especially if this automatically kicks off at 2am, @JTnola! :)

EDIT: just validated, changing to sleep 5 gave me 5 returns. Changing it to sleep 10 still kept it at 5 returns... either there's no more servers, or this is the limit of returns... not sure. Think this should really help @JTnola get more IPs on his list this way!

i=0; while [ $i -ne 5 ]; do i=$((i + 1)); curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://serverlist.piaservers.net/vpninfo/servers/v6 | jq --raw-output '.regions[] | select(.name=="US Alabama") | .servers.ovpnudp[].ip' 2>/dev/null; sleep 5; done | sort | uniq
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Super interesting find, @Rajjco! Totally worth the wait, especially if this automatically kicks off at 2am, @JTnola! :)

EDIT: just validated, changing to sleep 5 gave me 5 returns. Changing it to sleep 10 still kept it at 5 returns... either there's no more servers, or this is the limit of returns... not sure. Think this should really help @JTnola get more IPs on his list this way!

i=0; while [ $i -ne 5 ]; do i=$((i + 1)); curl --silent --retry 3 --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 6 --retry-delay 1 --retry-all-errors https://serverlist.piaservers.net/vpninfo/servers/v6 | jq --raw-output '.regions[] | select(.name=="US Alabama") | .servers.ovpnudp[].ip' 2>/dev/null; sleep 5; done | sort | uniq
Excellent! Thank you! So far, so good!
Yall are awesome!!!!
Excellent! Thank you! So far, so good!
Yall are awesome!!!!
With your blessing, I'll add these PIA instructions to the main OP thread... ;) These are great!

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