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TOR not working on RT-AC68U

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Is this a know bug and is there a know fix?
WARNING: Don't use the stock Asuswrt firmware or Asuswrt-Merlin 380.63 and lower firmwares for the Tor VPN because these versions only route TCP ports 80 and 443 through the Tor network. All other traffic coming from your computer will pass directly to the Internet, and you will lose your anonymity. Even though your browser reports a different IP address, you will lose your anonymity if your computer sends UDP packets or ICMP pings, or connects to TCP ports other than 80 and 443.

Asuswrt-Merlin 380.64 and higher, fixes these issues in the firewall configuration for Tor. It will protect you by blocking your computer from direct Internet access, and it will route all your computer's TCP traffic through the Tor network. A satisfied customer.
Make sure that the RT-AC68U has accurate time. This is usually set by configuring an NTP time server.
Time is correct, still not working for me..
Check your Tor log file (/tmp/torlog). You should see, "Tor has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like client functionality is working."
... how can I access the Tor log?
Copy/paste the following text into a console window. Now you'll be able to see the Tor log here:

# create a user page to view the Tor log
CAT="cat" ; /bin/$CAT <<EOF > /www/user/torlog.asp
<textarea cols="63" rows="27" wrap="off" readonly="readonly" id="textarea" style="width:99%; font-family:'Courier New', Courier, mono; font-size:11px;background:#475A5F;color:#FFFFFF;"><% nvram_dump("torlog",""); %></textarea>

You'll need to enable SSH or Telnet to bring up the console window.
Isn't it easier to just install TOR as PPTP? Is it possible?
It depends on what you're trying to do. If you don't need access to the .onion websites, then maybe you want to sign-up for a regular VPN service? There is also free VPN services. Many of these companies offer both OpenVPN and PPTP.
I want my IP to change every minute or every so many requests?

That seems like a semi-useless objective.

If you want anonymity, strive for that. Changing your IP may or may not accomplish that.

What is your underlying objective?
I am striving for anonymity but perhaps it would be enough with just an IP change for my project, as it's easier to do.
Complete anonymity would be perfect of course, but don't want to spend days trying to get it setup when it might be unnecessary.
... don't want to spend days trying to get it setup ...
Can you post your Tor log to see what the problem is? There's nothing to configure for Tor, except entering your computer's MAC address. If you also want to route a PPTP connection through the Tor network, then I recommend running the PPTP client on your computer instead of the router.
Want to use all my devices with the TOR network, that is the problem.
In the WebUI,
VPN -> TOR -> "Redirect all user from" = "LAN (br0)" will route all your devices through the Tor network.

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