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AC3200 USB Mount

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Hi guys,

I am new to this forum and just upgraded by WNR3500l to the AC3200 router a week ago. The router is great and the speeds on external hard drives are a lot faster than on my old router (30mb/s using usb 2.0).

One question I had was if there is a way to mount my external hard drive so that the entire drive gets captured.

For instance, my hdd has 3 folders within it (movies, music, documents). When I try and map a network drive in windows I have to map each folder individually rather than the drive as a whole. I tried mapping sda1 but it doesnt work.

My old router allowed me to map sda1 so I had one mapped drive that then gave me access to all these subfolders.

Any help guys?

Simplest method is to create a single Share directory, and move your three existing directories inside it.

It's typical for NAS applications to only define shares on folders, not on the root of the disk itself.
Thanks, did this and it worked great.

Just another issue I noticed. On AICloud if I access my drive through my android phone everything is in A-Z Order but if I access through the web interface on my pc the folders are from Z-A. So for example, my movie folders start from Z and go to A. There is no option for me to sort this. When I access the drive through the mapped drive it is in A-Z order.

Also, my drive is showing System Volume Information folder in the web interface and android phone on AICloud. This is not showing on Windows (even when I unhide system files and folders). There is no way for me to delete this file or hide it from the cloud either.

Any help please?


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