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ax88u f/w question

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Regular Contributor
Hi Guys I had the 380.9 f/w on both my ac86u and ax88u routers and installed it manually. Even though there was a f/w update notification available , after installing the 380.10 beta 2 f/w the update notification still exists.
Shouldn't the new f/w be recognized automatically or do I have to reset something somewhere.
Hi Guys I had the 380.9 f/w on both my ac88u and ax88u routers and installed it manually. Even though there was a f/w update notification available , after installing the 380.10 beta 2 f/w the update notification still exists.
Shouldn't the new f/w be recognized automatically or do I have to reset something somewhere.

You have installed firmware that is two versions old. :)

Update to the 384.10 release version, or, wait for RMerlin to release 384.11, expected possibly this week. :)
You have installed firmware that is two versions old. :)

Update to the 384.10 release version, or, wait for RMerlin to release 384.11, expected possibly this week. :)

Yes thanks L&LD actually I had beta 3 installed but still out of date as you say. Updated to release version and after a logout/login the notification was cancelled so issue is fixed. While I'm here is there an update to the ax88u openvpn custom configuration text as I understand that with knowledge it does get changed from time to time.

My present custom config is:

dhcp-option DNS
dhcp-option DNS
resolv-retry infinite
tun-mtu 1500
tun-mtu-extra 32
mssfix 1450
ping 15
ping-restart 0
explicit-exit-notify 3
remote-cert-tls server

Also would this be the same for the ac86u and the ac88u. Thanks a mill
Yes thanks L&LD actually I had beta 3 installed but still out of date as you say. Updated to release version and after a logout/login the notification was cancelled so issue is fixed. While I'm here is there an update to the ax88u openvpn custom configuration text as I understand that with knowledge it does get changed from time to time.

My present custom config is:

dhcp-option DNS
dhcp-option DNS
resolv-retry infinite
tun-mtu 1500
tun-mtu-extra 32
mssfix 1450
ping 15
ping-restart 0
explicit-exit-notify 3
remote-cert-tls server

Also would this be the same for the ac86u and the ac88u. Thanks a mill

Glad the firmware update worked. :)

Is the OpenVPN not working though? Have you rebooted the router about an hour after it successfully installed the latest firmware?

I am not the best one here to offer help on OpenVPN, especially with customizations. I usually recreate a new .ovpn file after doing a full M&M Config, so I rarely have any issues.

If you're not having issues, then carry on! If you are? I hope others can be of assistance.

If all avenues seem to be failing? Then a full M&M Config is what will bring you back to a good/known state with a working configuration. :)

Btw, when was the last time you did a full reset to factory defaults and then minimally and manually configure the router to secure it and connect to your ISP?
Glad the firmware update worked. :)

Is the OpenVPN not working though? Have you rebooted the router about an hour after it successfully installed the latest firmware?

I am not the best one here to offer help on OpenVPN, especially with customizations. I usually recreate a new .ovpn file after doing a full M&M Config, so I rarely have any issues.

If you're not having issues, then carry on! If you are? I hope others can be of assistance.

If all avenues seem to be failing? Then a full M&M Config is what will bring you back to a good/known state with a working configuration. :)

Btw, when was the last time you did a full reset to factory defaults and then minimally and manually configure the router to secure it and connect to your ISP?

Hi L&LD yes the openvpn is working fine, why the hour delay for a reboot? What do you mean by a M&M config.
The only issues are at the moment I have the router 'Accept DNS Configuration' set to 'strict' so certain static ip's aren't working on the internet so I will refine my settings.
I don't like the idea of a factory reset apart from the ax88u only been installed for a couple of weeks because I have lots of static ip's on my lan and it's a pain to set it all up.
As regards the custom configuration then really it's just updating really to get the best or improved results as a consequence of somebody's updated knowledge.
Hi L&LD yes the openvpn is working fine, why the hour delay for a reboot? What do you mean by a M&M config.
The only issues are at the moment I have the router 'Accept DNS Configuration' set to 'strict' so certain static ip's aren't working on the internet so I will refine my settings.
I don't like the idea of a factory reset apart from the ax88u only been installed for a couple of weeks because I have lots of static ip's on my lan and it's a pain to set it all up.
As regards the custom configuration then really it's just updating really to get the best or improved results as a consequence of somebody's updated knowledge.

  • OpenVPN working fine? Don't touch it! :)
  • After flashing new firmware, I find that some routers can take up to an hour after that to finish reconfiguring themselves (internally) and be idle when the network is idle too. At this point, one more reboot verifies that the router will reboot properly (one of my last tests after configurations are manually input) and that all the required services also start up properly too. I want to see it do this at least once. ;)
  • Please see my signature for links and further details on an M&M Config.
  • A proper and full factory reset (which is what an M&M Config accomplishes) is required when previous microcode/drivers and/or variables are being used differently on the new firmware currently in use. This will manifest itself in various bugs and glitches with no apparent reason or 'cure'. Don't fear the full reset. I consider it a guarantee to allow me to waste as little time as possible for return calls to customer's locations. If I am called back, there will be either an easy fix or, a defective device (hardware issue). Both are straightforward to take care of. Chasing possible self-inflicted bugs by not doing a full factory reset/M&M Config is not good for me or my customers. And I would guess not good for you either. ;)
  • Having said that, for my personal devices, I don't do a full M&M Config either every time. But if bugs show up? I don't waste too much time chasing them. A full M&M Config confirms or denies very quickly if the issue was not resetting the router after the firmware update, or if the issue is really present in the new firmware (for real).
Sorry, I'm not sure which custom configuration you're specifically referring to? :oops:
  • OpenVPN working fine? Don't touch it! :)
  • After flashing new firmware, I find that some routers can take up to an hour after that to finish reconfiguring themselves (internally) and be idle when the network is idle too. At this point, one more reboot verifies that the router will reboot properly (one of my last tests after configurations are manually input) and that all the required services also start up properly too. I want to see it do this at least once. ;)
  • Please see my signature for links and further details on an M&M Config.
  • A proper and full factory reset (which is what an M&M Config accomplishes) is required when previous microcode/drivers and/or variables are being used differently on the new firmware currently in use. This will manifest itself in various bugs and glitches with no apparent reason or 'cure'. Don't fear the full reset. I consider it a guarantee to allow me to waste as little time as possible for return calls to customer's locations. If I am called back, there will be either an easy fix or, a defective device (hardware issue). Both are straightforward to take care of. Chasing possible self-inflicted bugs by not doing a full factory reset/M&M Config is not good for me or my customers. And I would guess not good for you either. ;)
  • Having said that, for my personal devices, I don't do a full M&M Config either every time. But if bugs show up? I don't waste too much time chasing them. A full M&M Config confirms or denies very quickly if the issue was not resetting the router after the firmware update, or if the issue is really present in the new firmware (for real).
Sorry, I'm not sure which custom configuration you're specifically referring to? :oops:

Ok thanks I hear what you say, on the openvpn client tab in the vpn settings at the bottom of the page there is a 'custom configuration' area that can be edited,
I have seen slightly differing texts to put in here and wondered what the latest one was.
Ok thanks I hear what you say, on the openvpn client tab in the vpn settings at the bottom of the page there is a 'custom configuration' area that can be edited,
I have seen slightly differing texts to put in here and wondered what the latest one was.

Thanks, those custom configurations! :)

I find that the defaults work very well and almost guarantee a 99.999% connection rate. I have played with some of these settings in the past, but to me, that was wasted time. No guaranteed performance boost over varying network conditions was ever assured.

Find the settings that you really need/rely on (security being first). Everything else is mostly preferences, I have found. The actual performance of the OpenVPN network benefits very little one way or another. I have stated in another post that at about 100Mbps OpenVPN speeds, additional performance is not really noticeable unless you're actually downloading big files between sites.
Thanks L&LD for all your help maybe I shouldn't play so much in case I bugger it up lol.

Just wanted to add, the 'updated knowledge' that I have come to rely on is Eric's (RMerlin) sane defaults for most settings on the routers.

That is also the reason why I don't carry over settings from one router or firmware to a newer one. ;)

A long time ago, the OpenVPN server was a hit or miss proposition for me. Now, the defaults 'just work' as expected. Same goes for many of the other router settings too. Even if there are exceptions that I make personally (and even recommend in the M&M Config).

I really need to find some time to update that old guide. Soon!

There are just too many posts to reference right now to have a 'complete' picture of the best practices I follow currently. :)
Just wanted to add, the 'updated knowledge' that I have come to rely on is Eric's (RMerlin) sane defaults for most settings on the routers.

That is also the reason why I don't carry over settings from one router or firmware to a newer one. ;)

A long time ago, the OpenVPN server was a hit or miss proposition for me. Now, the defaults 'just work' as expected. Same goes for many of the other router settings too. Even if there are exceptions that I make personally (and even recommend in the M&M Config).

I really need to find some time to update that old guide. Soon!

There are just too many posts to reference right now to have a 'complete' picture of the best practices I follow currently. :)

Ok L&LD I don't really understand the 'custom configuration' text anyway so good advice if Eric uses defaults for most settings, so will set the text back to default and see if I can tell any difference - I doubt it.
Ok L&LD I don't really understand the 'custom configuration' text anyway so good advice if Eric uses defaults for most settings, so will set the text back to default and see if I can tell any difference - I doubt it.

Save your settings, just in case, but be careful that you have access to both ends of the tunnel, you may need to adjust both sides to ensure a connection happens at all. ;)

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