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DNS Delegation -- Windows AD

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Occasional Visitor
I'd like to make the Asus DNS server for all of my clients.

However I am running a Windows domain controller (foo.local) and several workstations are in that domain.

The machines would have a hard time finding the Windows Server and its necessary SRV records unless they point to the windows server for DNS (And the windows server uses the Asus as it's upstream forwarder).

I don't need to do Dynamic DNS (as in Dynamically Update local records on my local DNS server). All of these IP's are static DHCP reservations on the Asus.

So, I need to either be able to create a few subzones and records (_msdcs, _sites.Default-First-Site-Name._tcp, _tcp etc) on the Asus OR set up the Asus to delegate these zones to my Windows DNS server.

Is this possible?
ok so I found some options for dnsmasq online that say I can set:

server=/foo.local/ (where is my Windows DNS server).

Where/How would I set this option on the Asus running Merlin?

sorry for the 3rd response. I can't seem to get the edit function to work.

Ok so I think I have this working.

I created a dnsmasq.conf.add file in jffs/configs and added the line:


Is that the best way to solve this?

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