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GT-AX11000 AImesh with RT-AC5300 node not working

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Christian Sandoval

New Around Here
I have two RT-AC5300 routers which I had working with AIMesh, one router, one node. No problems at all.
Now I purchased a GT-AX11000 router and wanted to add both RT-AC5300 as AIMesh nodes. I can see them in the configuration page, but I cannot seem to add them as nodes. Every time I try I get an error.
Any ideas, has anyone had this issue?
I have talked to Asus service but they could not help me further. I have hard reset them to factory, still no success.
All of the routers have the latest firmware.


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Which method are you using to add the nodes, wirelessly or wired? I recommend setting up the nodes using the wired method, and then going wireless. In this thread, nyvram and a few others had the same or similar issues, including myself. Adding the nodes via ethernet cable worked for me.
  • Do not login into the AiMesh node router at all, or try to configure it. The AiMesh router will do all of the work.
  • Factory reset the AiMesh node, power it on, and run an ethernet cable from the LAN port of the AiMesh router to the WAN port of AiMesh node.
  • From the AiMesh router, navigate to Network Map/AiMesh Node, and click Search. It should find the node that you just factory reset without issue, and sync flawlessly.
  • Once syncing has completed, power off the AiMesh node, move it to wherever you like, and power it on.
  • The AiMesh node will then sync with the AiMesh router, regardless if you remain wired, or go wireless.
Which method are you using to add the nodes, wirelessly or wired? I recommend setting up the nodes using the wired method, and then going wireless. In this thread, nyvram and a few others had the same or similar issues, including myself. Adding the nodes via ethernet cable worked for me.
I have tried both ways, wired and wireless, both do not work.
I do not know if it is the combination of those two router models that somehow I do not get them to work together
SOLVED, after countless resets on both routers and countless connecting and disconnecting them and making changes to the administration and wireless settings, the SOLUTION for me was very SIMPLE.
I read in the thread ORGANSHIFTER sent to me now, somewhere, that disconnecting all of the lan cables from the main router should be performed. I must say i did not reset the routers anymore, just disconnected all of the lan cables and left only the lan cable from the router to the WAN of the node.
This worked.
I have now two working wireless AIMesh nodes! Thanks.

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