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IPad 2, 5G and RT-N66u -- drops frequently

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Subject basically says it.

With the .40 and .41 builds my iPad 2 does not stay connected very well on the 5G network.

It's probably 25 feet away and one floor up from the AP.

I believe it was fine on the .39EM build for the RT-n66U.

I did a hard reset and rebuilt by hand today.

Still have this issue.

Any ideas? Where can I begin troubleshooting?
Have you 'forgotten' the connection to the ipad and re-associated it?

Does the 2.4GHz band give better results?

Why is using the 5GHz band so important? Have you tried different channels? Boosting the power to 100mW?

Have you left all settings at defaults?

Have you tried repositioning the router and/or antenna?

Does it do the same with other 5GHz band devices? It could simply be the outdated device and/or non-optimal antenna designs those types of handheld devices use.

The subject line may state your issue - but it doesn't help with giving you any guidance.

Give more details on what you've tried to resolve this issue to receive useful feedback.

Instead of the shotgun approach I've tried for now. ;)
I use my iPad 2 all the time with 41 build and I only use 5 ghz I have 2.4 ghz disabled because here 5 ghz covers my whole house and I am the only 5 ghz user around me and I have no disconnects what so ever. Maybe you have something configured wrong or the signal is getting to weak to stay connected. Wanted to add I am not using the N66 I use the 68u so that may be the difference.
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