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JFFS Scripts Disappeared

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Been using RT-N16 with build 374.35_4 for past several weeks. No issues.
Installed scripts to turn off and on LED's as outlined in Merlin's website. All working well. I also added a script to validate my DYNDNS address on a routine basis. All is well . . .

Today, after a bit of tinkering around, I see that somehow my /JFFS/Scripts folder is EMPTY (all my scripts are missing) and when I do DF -h at the bash prompt, my /dev/root is 100% used up?? When I initially did a lf -l, it showed my /tmp folder was where all the used up space was and specifically, my SYSLOG.LOG file growing very large. These have since returned to lower values (not sure if it purged or what), but my /dev/root is still showing 100% full.

Before I reflash and start over, looking for advice on what I might try 1st to get some space back on my /dev/root device.

admin@RT-N16:/# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 23.6M 23.6M 0 100% /
tmpfs 61.7M 2.3M 59.5M 4% /tmp
devfs 61.7M 0 61.7M 0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock4 6.5M 516.0K 6.0M 8% /jffs
/dev/sda1 149.0G 68.3G 80.7G 46% /tmp/mnt/sda1
/dev/sdb1 7.3G 153.4M 6.8G 2% /tmp/mnt/sdb1
been asked before, don't worry about root disk usage. jffs is what you got to work with without adding a flash drive, etc. as far as jffs being cleared, somebody else might be able to answer that. my jffs got cleared when i updated from 36beta1 to 37_1, but i had backed them up so it wasnt a devastating loss for me
Thanks for the reply and sanity check. Looking at other posts for similar questions, I thought there was a chance that the reported disk usage may be in error. Although that still does not explain why I keep having to install NANO text editor and now my /jffs/script files.

No big issue. Was able to re-create my script files and get them scheduled in cron.

I did take your advise and now have my /jffs/script/ files backed up to my USB stick on the router.

Me and Linux are still getting to know each other.

Again, thanks for the reply!

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