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Power supply advice - need something reliable.

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I hope this is the right area to post.

I'm getting a bit tired of regularly replacing my 12v power supplies on all my home networking devices. I could of course go onto eBay and buy more of these things - but they all seem to be an unknown quantity/quality. I'd much rather buy a quality supply which will last me for years (or forever). Does such a thing exist - and how do I go about finding one?

What 12v power supplies do you use for your home router/switches?

I've given a thought at buying a 10A 12v regulated power supply - and then using a splitter to power all my 12v devices. Advisable? Of course, you are putting all your eggs in one basket, but it saves on power plugs and if the supply is a quality one, it shouldn't go wrong.

Any advice gratefully accepted!
I don't have problems very often with my network equipment's power supplies. Have you considered that the root cause may be problems with your homes AC power? In that case plugging everything into a UPS might prolong your power supplies life.

When I do have to replace a wall wart I just search on line for a source of power supplies. It seems most of them come from China. If I have a choice I do select a slightly more powerful unit i.e if the device needs o.5 amps I will get a 2 amp supply. I have never paid attention to brand as I assumed that even if a supply says TP-LINK it was made by a Chinese power supply manufacturing company.
+1 on the UPS suggestion. Everything I have is on UPS, flatscreen TV included. We get a LOT of power outages here and multiple short down/up events. I think I've had one power supply fail in the 10 years we've been here.
for networking devices it is definitely a good idea hence why POE exists as its a simpler solution to power things without having many PSUs all about.

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