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Weird downstream throughput problem

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Johan Viberg

New Around Here
I have a gigabit internet connection and I just bought an RT-AC68U. I've installed Merlin 384.4_2 and have a pretty basic setup. The only thing out of the ordinary is a custom ddns and an openvpn server both of which are working fine.

I have round about 15 units using Gbit, 100/10 ethernet and 2.4 and 5 GHz WiFi respectively. It's a mix of raspberrypies, a desktop PC, a Synology NAS, a Ubiquiti switch, a printer, phones (both Android and iPhone), iPad, Chromecasts, internet radio, receiver, laptops (a PC and a Macbook).

As long as I'm not using my Macbook (WiFi) I get the sort of throughput I'm expecting, ie 700-950 Mbits/s up- and downstream no matter what units are connected. (I'm using the Swedish site bredbandskollen.se from my desktop PC to check the connection speed.)

But: As soon as I bring my Macbook into the mix the problem appears: The upstream speed is intact but the downstream is reduced to about 300 Mbits/s. This stays the same even after I turn the WiFi off on the Macbook. And it stays like this until I turn the WiFi on the router on and off, reboot it or let it sit for a long time. Then I have good throughput again until I reconnect the Macbook.

I've tried a very basic setup with only 2 units connected to the router - the desktop PC and the Macbook - and the result is the same, ie the downstream speed drops to about 300 Mbits/s. The Macbook is close to the router and has an excellent WiFi signal.

Nothing if interest is ever indicated in the logs (set to debug).

The only thing the I find interesting is that the speed I get is about the same as the maximum speed I get on the WiFi. Maybe just a coincidence?

Any ideas?


  • without macbook.png
    without macbook.png
    153.1 KB · Views: 428
  • with macbook.png
    with macbook.png
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I solved it!

I reset the router and started setting everything from scratch again and now I get good speed (900 Mbits/s) both down- and upstream.

When I got my router I immediately installed Merlin but I don't think I did a reset after the install. Maybe that's what caused it.

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