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Internal Web Server Listening Port?

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Hello everyone,

I was wondering is it possible to change the port from which the RT-N66U listens on for it's web config page?

*Running the latest firmware 374.40 if it matters*

For example, changing it from to or similar.

I looked all over for a place to change this but I didn't find one. Maybe not possible on this device?
Switch over to use HTTPS via Administration->System.

Change the Authentication Method to HTTPS
Then specify what port you want to use.
Then click Apply
Hey Zirescu, Thanks for the suggestion, I'd prefer not to use HTTPS if I could, but since there doesn't really seem to be any other option it'll have to do. It seems kinda weird they'd give you the option to change the HTTPS port but not the HTTP port... anyways, thanks much.

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