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Aicloud smart access not work

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Aicloud smart access not work [SOLVED!]

I cannot make AICLOUD Smart Access work.
I always receive an error "connection failed".
From another pc I can connect to the shared resource (using directly the ip address : "\\").
From the Aicloud web interface ("") I can see all the pc in the network but I cannot connect. I can connect only the usb hard disk.
I have reset the router pressing the back button and I have installed the last firmware without any help.
I have windows 7.
Could someone help me?
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Can you connect using SMB and the name from the other PC?

net use * \\name\share /user:workgroup\user

I had a lot of problems with the AIcloud IOS app, but I had more success using the web interface which is much much better since they updated it to 2.0

When you enter the connection credentials you can try just using the 'user' and password, but if you are in a workgroup or domain use DOMAIN\user , and if not try using MACHINENAME\user

To be honest I have some systems that work flawlessly with any version of AIcloud (WD NAS devices) and then other that seem to work one day and not the next (OSX Lion - notorious samba implementation, WinXP - just needs a reboot occasionally)
I cannot make AICLOUD Smart Access work.
I always receive an error "connection failed".
From another pc I can connect to the shared resource (using directly the ip address : "\\").
From the Aicloud web interface ("") I can see all the pc in the network but I cannot connect. I can connect only the usb hard disk.
I have reset the router pressing the back button and I have installed the last firmware without any help.
I have windows 7.
Could someone help me?
You do have a windows login password set up on the pc your trying to connect to right?
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Thank you for your help.
I've try everything that you've suggest.
net use * \\name\share work without any password
on the pc I'm trying to connect I've set access to everyone
I've try to deactivate SMB2 through regedit and activate SMB1 but it doesn't help..
I'm very sad... :(:(:(:(
I have several linux boxes, and I've seen too that service 'server', that support smb shares in old version, hangs up frequently. Look up for this service and its state.
I always use windows user and password for login...these hangs up is the only problem I`ve had ( AC66 model) with smart access
I cannot believe!!!! Incredible!! It works!!!!
It is very difficult but possible.
The problem is that asus install the package samba2
For windows 7 samba 3.4 is need.
So it is necessary to connect by telnet remove samba2 and install samba35.
I explain howto for other user that have the same problem.
1) connect to router by telnet (you must to enable in the web console)
2) "ipkg-opt install samba35"
3) edit file smb.conf by vi or copy in the hd and edit as you want..
you must to comment original interfaces and add client lanman auth
"vi /opt/etc/samba/smb.conf"
#interfaces = lo br0 eth0
interfaces =
client lanman auth = yes
4) reboot rooter
in my situation aicloud doesn't work anymore (I don't understand why)...so ..
5) uninstall aicloud through web interface (samba will not uninstalled)
6) reinstall aicloud through web interface (samba 3.5 is already installed)
7) reboot
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did not work

Tried the solution on rt-n56u.
Did not work.
I could not re-install the AiCloud, as it constantly said the server was malfunctioning/down.
It even caused my router to malfunction, so I had to erase all the asusware from the usb disk and reload previous firmware. Only then, could I reinstall the AiCloud.

Anyone else have any solutions?
Port 443 is often blocked by many internet service providers for security reasons as the default option. This would explain the ability to connect via LAN (local network) but not WAN (internet). Log into your ISP account and attempt to change the port blocking or contact your ISP via phone.
You can also move AiCloud to a different port.
I cannot login smart access
try login computer_name\account or account, keep popup this authorization windows
no problem map via net use z: \\computer_name\share_folde /user:computer_name\account
anybody knows what could be wrong?


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smb protocol version

I think it's may be the smb protocol version. Asus samba client may be old, so you'll need to activate older smb versions. Look at this link

I have also provided feedback to Asus and asked them to come up with a patch as I was not successful with the work arounds provided in this forum. Other than that I think it is quite risky to change router settings through the terminal/SSH way as we don't know how (long) this will be supported/ if it could break your router.
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