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RT-N66U Beta Firmware Posted for Japan Only :)

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Very Senior Member
Beta Version
Description ASUS RT-N66U Firmware version
- Release Note -

[For Japan Only]
Security fixes
- Fixed CSRF and XSS vulnerability when router is in default status (user does not set the router yet)

New features
- Added client list view button on network map and help administrator easily monitor all client connection status.
- Added the question feedback in Administration -> Feedback
- Added new DDNS provider www.oray.com

Bug fixes
- Fixed login issue when router’s IP is 10.x.x.x
- Fixed parental control-> time scheduling related issue.
- Fixed network tool related issues.
- Improved media server response time when new file added.
- Fixed network map UI issue when selected French.
- Added stateful server in IPv6
- Fixed the saving issue in OpenVPN server -> content modification of keys & certification.


MD5: faf009c05de260f21a95588884ee951e
Then it means your firmware didn't successfully flash.
You are right afterall.

I couldn't flash to my N56U in recovery mode.

Gotta roll back to 6117.

Also upgrading via the browser also doesn't work.

Dumb question but what's up with the Japan Only releases? Can we install them here in North America?
7177 was for many routers, so i just have modified url, 7410 is on product page, no magic :D but anyway it doesn´t update :(
im trying to update this from padavan firmware and doesn´t work too... in log it says
Jul 23 23:24:12 httpd[506]: Firmware update: Firmware image size is invalid!
i don´t know, what does it mean, i wrote to (czech) asus support and they told me to send my router for diagnostics :confused:

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