I am confused by wirelssmode and bandwitdth settings. I try to goole it ,but few article about them.
I hope to get your help here !
Followings are my questions:
1. Why a/n/ac mixmode can set 3 optional bandwith: 20MHz, 20/40MHz, 80MHz? The 80MHz is only appled to ac mode? Aren't they conficting?
2. If I set 80MHz bandwith with mixmode, can a sation forced 20M bandwidth connect to the ap? What is the specific rule judging this?
I will appreciate it if you take time read this and is willing to help me!
Thanks in advance!
I hope to get your help here !
Followings are my questions:
1. Why a/n/ac mixmode can set 3 optional bandwith: 20MHz, 20/40MHz, 80MHz? The 80MHz is only appled to ac mode? Aren't they conficting?
2. If I set 80MHz bandwith with mixmode, can a sation forced 20M bandwidth connect to the ap? What is the specific rule judging this?
I will appreciate it if you take time read this and is willing to help me!
Thanks in advance!